How To Be Free From Bitterness

How To Be Free From Bitterness

and other essays on Christian relationships

by Jim Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
2nd Edition, ©2007, Publisher Catalog #E-104
Trade Paperback, 112 pages
List Price: $12.00 Sale Price: $10.20

Bitterness often grows out of a small offense—perhaps a passing word, an accidental shove, or a pair of dirty socks left in the middle of the living room floor. Yet when bitterness takes root in our hearts, its effects are anything but small.

In this collection of short articles, Jim Wilson and others discuss what it means to live as "imitators of God." As the Apostle Paul says in Ephesians, we have been called to leave the bitterness and anger of the world and instead embrace the love and compassion of our God. The authors remind us that we are to forgive others just as we have been forgiven, pointing to Scriptural admonitions and examples as they offer sound teaching on the trials and temptations of everyday life.

This updated edition includes three new articles, study guides, and readers' letters and a new cover. It outgrew "booklet" size and is debuting as a paperback.

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