Horses I've Known

Horses I've Known

by Will James
©1940, Item: 92878
Hardcover, 281 pages
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Will James knows the horse of the Western plains and ranges better than any other American writer. Not only does Will James stand in a class by himself for his writings about the horse, but his vivid drawing of cowboys, horses and ranch life generally are unsurpassed.

In this book Will James tells the stories of a number of horses, good and bad, that he has known. Writing in the same cowboy vernacular that made Smoky, Lone Cowboy and other James books so successful, and illustrating his text with better drawings than he has done for a long time, Will James here records spectacular incidents in the lives of "Little Eagle," the horse who acted as "seeing eye" for a blind rancher and saved his life in the flood that followed one of the sudden range storms; of "Bearcat," the bucking horse that nobody could ride and whose final conquest lost a job for the cowboy who mastered him; of hilarious cowboy high-jinks with borrowed horses and couple of ghostly white equines who turned a practical joke into a stampede that had unfortunate results for the jokers; and many other stories, all of them brimming with action and rich with the .... Western range that Will James remembers so well. As a reminiscent... of horses that the author and illustrator has ridden and owned . . . the equal of anything Will ... written.

from the dust jacket

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