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As long as man has existed, he has known the horse. Prehistoric people who had no written language have told us about horses through their art. Archaeologists (AHR-kee-AHL- uh-jists), who study old ruins, skeletons and man-made objects or artifacts, can usually tell a great deal about the people who lived thousands of years ago. They have many ways of discovering facts, but one of the best ways is through the art works they find.
Art is truly a universal language. By looking today at a picture or a carving made many years ago we can get a feeling of how people lived and what was important to them. The horse first appeared in art about 30,000 years ago. Horses are shown in art all through the ages. This alone tells us how important a part of man's life the horse has been. The way in which the horse is portrayed tells us how the artist felt about it. As you go through this book, let the artists speak to you.
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