Home Ranch

Home Ranch

by Will James
©1935, Item: 92879
Hardcover, 346 pages
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John B. Mitchell, owner of the Seven X Ranch, "started out with a few saddle horses that wasn't his and a long rope." He left Texas, in a hurry, in the late '70's and drifted northward. Half a century later he was the monarch of a "pretty fair sized out- fit-sixty miles long and over forty miles wide, with rivers and two mountain ranges and fine rolling country and thousands of cattle.

This is the story of life on the Seven X, of the Mitchell family and the cowboys who worked for them: of young Austin Mitchell and his sister June, and of the "pilgrims" from the East who invited themselves to the Seven X one summer to find out what "real" ranch life was like.

They found out and so will the reader of Will James's eventful novel of ranching life as it is today. To the various events in the history of the rise of John B. to affluence and the growth of the younger generation, there are added a multitude of odd and fascinating details about cowboys and life on the range. Without a single "six-gun" pulled or a trigger "fanned" or any of the stock devices of average Western fiction, Will James contrives a story that depends upon the every-day, and night, happenings in the lives of cowboys for its continuous interest and excitement and that may be read not only as an absorbing yarn but as a wholly authentic picture of present-day cowboys, their arduous, dangerous work, and the rugged land in which they live.

from the dust jacket

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