Holling Clancy Holling's Stories from Many Lands

Holling Clancy Holling's Stories from Many Lands

by Holling Clancy Holling
Publisher: Dover Publications
Trade Paperback, 144 pages
List Price: $14.99 Sale Price: $12.74

Filled with beautiful color illustrations, these three tenderhearted tales by a Caldecott honoree offer enchanting glimpses of foreign cultures. 

  • Little Big-Bye-and-Bye unfolds in a pueblo of the American Southwest, where an Indian boy longs for a pony. When he meets a stranger and his burro, the boy's pluck and daring help make his dream come true.
  • Choo-Me-Shoo carries readers off to the Arctic Circle to meet an Eskimo family. The clan's adventures include getting stranded on an iceberg, making friends with a polar bear cub, catching fish through the ice, and encountering a ship in search of the North Pole.
  • Rum-Tum-Tummy: The Elephant Who Ate recounts the comeuppance of a naughty elephant whose ego is even bigger than his insatiable appetite. He spanks a warthog, rolls a hippo downhill, and performs other unkind pranks—but when he gets into trouble, the other animals rally to his rescue.

Reprint of the Gordon Volland Publications, Minneapolis, 1927 and 1928 editions, and the P. F. Volland Company, Joliet, Illinois, 1926 edition.

Content Consideration: This book is a product of its times, and one picture in particular may disturb modern readers, especially as we consider our racial prejudices. Page 128 is a drawing of a portly African man with the caricatured blackface common to that era.

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