History of Our United States - Student Text (really old)

History of Our United States - Student Text (really old)

Publisher: A Beka Books
Softcover Textbook
Current Retail Price: $15.95
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The History of Our United States is the first of A Beka's three overviews of American history in general. The first section contains geography material, definitions of terms, a basic atlas... but the book quickly moves from there to actual history. The visual features of the book make the student's first formal study of United States history positive and enjoyable. Important concepts are underlined; important names and terms printed in bold type. Most chapters offer a map of the places covered and several a timeline of the events, as well as numerous paintings and photographs. Comprehension questions are scattered through the text, and each chapter ends with review questions.

Table of Contents:

    Years of Discovery
    Years of Conquest
    First Americans
    The English Come to America
    The New England Colonies
    The Middle and Southern Colonies
    A Picture of Colonial Life
    The Great Awakening
    The French and Indian War
    The American War for Independence
    Building a New Nation
    Our Nation Grows
    The Civil War
    New Frontiers
    An Age of Progress
    Beyond Our Boundaries
    The World Wars
    Time for Freedom and Responsibility

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