Hidden Treasures really began as a series of letters between John and Pam Forster. One would illustrate a scene or verse from the book of Proverbs, and the other would guess what the drawing referenced. Eventually some of them were collected and became the basis for a family calendar, and still later John would read from Proverbs during family devotions while their children drew corresponding pictures. Finally, when the Forsters were writing and publishing the Doorposts materials, they sponsored a contest in which readers submitted their own Proverbs-based art.
Ninety of the best illustrations became the basis for Hidden Treasures, a family Bible study of the book of Proverbs designed to get kids (and parents) reflecting on the wisdom of Scripture. Solomon's book is presented as a map leading to hidden treasure, not to make the Bible "more appealing" for children, but in keeping with the theme of the book and to demonstrate the value of lives marked by virtue and Christian character.
The text begins with an overview of the book of Proverbs; its purpose, theme and structure; literary devices employed by Solomon; and instructions for using Hidden Treasures. Then come several pages of homemade artwork—students study each picture, then identify what passage of Proverbs the artist is illustrating. There are also suggestions formonthly topical studies, and a series of charts for children to record their observations as they read and study Proverbs; because this text is reproducible you can use the charts with all your kids.
No part of Scripture is more important than another, but Proverbs is an excellent place to start with kids, both for training them to lives of Christian virtue and introducing them to personal Bible study. Hidden Treasures is filled with general principles of Bible study and insights specific to the book of Proverbs, as well as containing great suggestions for hands-on activities (including having your kids draw their own Proverbs illustrations) and verse memorization. Great for kids of all ages, Hidden Treasures is a great introductory map to the riches of God's wisdom.
Great Extra!
For a fascinating series of sermons focusing on the structure of Proverbs, listen to the six sermons by pastor Dennis Tuuri (of Reformation Covenant Church) from February 22 through March 28, 2004. These are free MP3 downloads at Dennis Tuuri's website.
Review by C. Hollis Crossman
C. Hollis Crossman used to be a child. Now he's a husband and father who loves church, good food, and weird stuff. He might be a mythical creature, but he's definitely not a centaur. Read more of his reviews
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