Hero Tales

Christian kids need Christian role models. Dave and Neta Jackson see past saints as heroes, exemplars of faithfulness and righteousness for us to learn from and imitate. Hero Tales is their 4-volume multiple biography of some of the greatest Christians throughout Church history. Each mini-bio is divided into three parts, each centering around a particular virtue or positive trait that figure displayed.

At the end of each section, the Jacksons have included questions for reflection and family discussion. Because these are particularly easy for kids to read, or for parents to read aloud, the Hero Tales books are an excellent choice to supplement family devotions; the questions all relate to applying what's been read to a real-life situation, also making them a good choice for teaching character and virtue.

The Jacksons initially achieved fame with the Trailblazers series, fictional accounts of famous Christian missionaries. The stories in Hero Tales aren't ficitionalized, but they're just as engaging and even more informative. The ways God's people have overcome human and natural obstacles to bring the Word to a dying world is fascinating, and there is no age too early for children to be introduced to those stories.

Each volume includes 15 tales with a complete list at the beginning;there is also alist in the back of the character qualities highlighted throughout paired with the names of those who most exemplified them. There is also a handsome pencil sketch of each individual at the beginning of their section. Whether you use this as a family or simply provide it for your kids to read on rainy days, these really are heroes each Christian needs to meet.

Review by C. Hollis Crossman
C. Hollis Crossman used to be a child. Now he is a husband and father, teaches adult Sunday school in his Presbyterian congregation, and likes weird stuff. He might be a mythical creature, but he's definitely not a centaur. Read more of his reviews here.


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