Hawk and the Dove

Hawk and the Dove

Hawk and the Dove Series #1
by Penelope Wilcock
Publisher: Lion Publishing
3rd Revised edition, ©2015, ISBN: 9781782641391
Trade Paperback, 176 pages
Price: $13.99

Historical Setting: 14th century Yorkshire

Father Peregrine is appointed Abbot of St. Alcuin's Benedictine abbey. An arrogant, impatient man, a hawk trying to a be a dove—his name in religion is "Columba"—he is respected, but not loved.

A sudden, shocking act of violence changes everything. As the story unfolds, this community of monks, serious about their calling but as flawed and human as we are, come to love their ascetic but now vulnerable leader.

While the characters belong to another century, their struggles are our own—finding one’s place, coping with failure, living with impossible people, and changing when we realize that we are the impossible ones. Rich with imagery and emotion, their tales depict love in action and love given in the most trying of circumstances.

Penelope Wilcock takes a course that far too many Christian fiction writers never dare to take—writing a love story about God and man, and love between brothers in Christ rather than the typical romance between man and woman. A true ministry to the lonely of heart, Wilcock’s captivating tales of monastic life reflects the timeless human struggle of people learning to love God and to receive his grace.

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