Have His Carcase (7)

Have His Carcase (7)

A Lord Peter Mystery, Book 7
by Dorothy Sayers
Publisher: HarperCollins
Reprint, ©1960, ISBN: 9780062196545
Trade Paperback, 496 pages
Price: $18.99

The mystery writer Harriet Vane, recovering from an unhappy love affair and its aftermath, seeks solace on a barren beach—deserted but for the body of a bearded young man with his throat cut. From the moment she photographs the corpse, which soon disappears with the tide, she is puzzled by a mystery that might have been suicide, murder, or a political plot. With the appearance of her dear friend Lord Peter Wimsey, she finds a reason for detective pursuit—as only the two of them can pursue it.

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FLAWS: Fighting/violence
Summary: Harriet Vane seeks some peace and quiet after her much-publicized murder trial, until she stumbles across a body on the beach.

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