Guns of Navarone

Guns of Navarone

by Alistair MacLean
Reprint, ©2011, ISBN: 9781402790355
Trade Paperback, 288 pages
Current Retail Price: $11.95
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Story of a multi-national team tasked with destroying an inpenetrable Nazi fortress. Espionage, scaling an impossible cliff in the dead of night, and treachery fill this book with thrilling adventure.


From a hardcover edition:

Five men were chosen to silence
which controlled the approaches to the eastern Mediterranean island of Khe- ros. The British garrison on Kheros, twelve hundred men, had to be evacuated before the Germans launched their inevitable attack. The guns would have to be silenced in one swift, secret strike.

The raiding party would go by boat, landing where the Germans least expected them: at the foot of the towering cliffs, beneath the impossible, impregnable walls of rock. Then they would climb the cliffs.

This is the novel which was turned into an extraordinarily successful movie and released by Columbia Pictures. It established Alistair MacLean for all time in the suspense-adventure field. Published originally in 1956, it went through several hardcover editions, had an enormous softcover reprint, and it has now been brought back into hardcover by popular demand.

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