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When Jonathan Swift wrote Gulliver's Travels, he intended the book for a bitter satire on the morals and manners of his time. Yet through the years children have chosen to ignore its social implications and have taken the book to their hearts as an absorbing tale of adventure.
The delightful experiences of Gulliver with the Lilliputians, whose people were "somewhat under six inches," and with the Brobdingnagians, who were greater than tall trees, are among the most fascinating of stories. May Lamberton Becker, in describing her own first experience with Gulliver's Travels, says in her Introduction: "I did not know then, of course, that Gulliver's Travels was written for grownups and not for children at all, but that the story itself was so delightful that children had from the first taken for their own all that they could understand, and let the rest go. Indeed, almost as soon as the book appeared, which was in 1726, versions of it for children began to appear, and they have been appearing ever since."
R. M. Powers' illustrations for this book are as powerful and satiric as the story itself. Jonathan Swift would have liked them as much as the readers of this book surely will.
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