Take your students on a trip around the globe when you read Growing up around the World! This book will fascinate your second graders as they learn about different countries such as Japan, Australia, Chile, England, India, and more! This is the seventh book (2g) in the A Beka Reading Program for 2nd grade. Each of the ten books gradually advance your students’ reading skills.
Product Benefits
- Interesting Facts. Your students will love reading the “Just for Fun” sections throughout the book that teach readers interesting facts and customs of different countries!
- Vocabulary Enrichment. More difficult “Words to Watch For” listed at beginning of stories/poems.
- Enrichment Activities. Your students will love listening to audio demonstrations for foreign pronunications as well as play acting!
- Thinking Skills. At the end of stories, “Think About It” and “What Do You Think?” factual and inferential questions help to develop thinking skills and apply to real life situations.
2nd Grade Readers:
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