Great Republic

Great Republic

A History of America

by Winston S. Churchill
Publisher: Modern Library
Trade Paperback, 454 pages
Current Retail Price: $16.95
Used Price: $7.50 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Sir Winston Churchill's The Great Republic consists in large part of a magnificent narrative history of America, culled by his grandson and namesake from the Nobel Prize—winning, four-volume A History of the English Speaking People. Historian and journalist Winston S. Churchill has added his grandfather's noteworthy speeches and essays on twentieth-century America, so that The Great Republic stands as the definitive statement of Churchill's thoughts on the history of the country he so admired and fondly called the "Great Republic." Arguably as gifted a historian as he was a statesman, only Winston Churchill could have written a book that captures America's history, destiny, and character with such brilliance.

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