Homeschooling parents looking for support in this daunting commitment will find it in A Gracious Space. This volume provides daily readings that offer insights into the home education experience, as well as supplies encouragement, inspiration, and companionship on the journey.
The entries are honest reflections drawn from Julie's life and her interaction with the thousands of homeschoolers that are members of the Brave Writer community. Each entry is accompanied by a "quote of the day" written by a parent like you, or a notable individual. The day's entry is concluded with a "sustaining thought" to take with you.
If you are looking for a safe space to reflect on your homeschooling life, free of buzz words, rigid application of ideology, and excessive cheeriness, this little volume may be just the right reading. Sink into your real lived experience, and read an entry a day to find strength and resources to keep going. May your home be a reflection of who you are, and a gracious space for growth and learning.
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