God's Great Covenant OT Book 2 - Teacher's Edition

God's Great Covenant OT Book 2 - Teacher's Edition

by Claire A. Larsen
Softcover Teacher Guide / Answer Key, 245 pages
Price: $29.95
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A detailed teacher's manual corresponding to God's Great Covenant, Old Testament Two contains the entire student text, and provides answer keys and additional factual information to expand upon the historical, geographical, cultural, and theological concepts introduced in the text.

God's Great Covenant, Old Testament Two continues the journey of God's people as they become the nation of Israel. By studying the second half of the Old Testament from Samuel to Malachi, students will consider the rise, fall and restoration of the kingdom, and see how the God of Israel keeps and renews his covenant with his people. Students will also learn the ways in which the Old Testament forecasts the coming kingdom of Jesus Christ in the New Testament. Taught chronologically by means of engaging stories, God's Great Covenant, Old Testament Two illumines the events and people of the Old Testament, from David to Elijah to Esther to Nehemiah. Various prophets are studied in their context, so their lives and words can be understood in relation to their own time as well as times to come. Creative maps and illustrations bring the Old Testament to life. The workbook contains thirty-two chapters, to be completed one per week in a full school year, and is divided into five themed units. Each chapter also contains a worksheet and a quiz. Review chapters with extra puzzles and activities summarize each unit's material.

From the series formerly named Bible for Children.

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