Give Them Grace

Give Them Grace

Dazzling Your Kids with the Love of Jesus

by Elyse M. Fitzpatrick, Jessica Thompson
Publisher: Crossway Books
Trade Paperback, 216 pages
Price: $14.99
Used Price: $8.50 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

When most Christians hear words like "justification" and "regeneration," practicality isn't the first thing that comes to mind. These are deep and essential doctrines, but how do they relate to everyday life, especially the ongoing work and struggles of raising godly children? And if I'm not a trained theologian, how can I begin to apply them to such a hands-on, neverending task like keeping my kids in line?

Mother-and-daughter writing team Elyse M.Fitzpatrick and Jessica Thompson believe that key Christian doctrines like justification, regeneration, and adoption have everything to do with childrearing. Give Them Grace isn't a series of case studies teaching you how to respond in any given situation; rather, it's an exhortation to raise your kids in light of the Gospel, not under the weight and responsibility of the Law.

The authors begin by asking whether Christian parenting should look any different from Mormon parenting, or Jewish parenting, or Muslim parenting. They answer with an emphatic "YES!", not because Christian kids are less prone to naughtiness, but because Christians have been freed to good works by trust in Jesus' perfect sacrifice. All world religions emphasize legalism, but Christianity is all about grace.

This isn't some hippie manual designed to encourage and breed permissiveness. Obedience is still in view, but it's not the result of constant appeals to rules; it's the result of loving restfulness in Jesus Christ and His finished work. The goal is not to raise prodigal rebels, but it's also not to raise little pharisees. Christian parents should want to raise godly sinners who've been saved by the blood of Jesus and set free to serve Him in joy and willingness.

In the end, parents need grace as much as their kids. The authors never tell parents not to discipline their kids (that would be ridiculous), but they do encourage them to respond to meltdowns, disobedience, and chaos with grace rather than a fear-based appeal to rules. This is a truly unique book for Christian parents, one that it's never too late to read, one that will focus both your eyes and your kids' eyes right where they need to be: squarely on Jesus Christ and His salvation.

Review by C. Hollis Crossman
C. Hollis Crossman used to be a child. Now he's a husband and father who loves church, good food, and weird stuff. He might be a mythical creature, but he's definitely not a centaur. Read more of his reviews here.
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Summary: Mother-daughter writing team shows parents that Christ is the answer to every and all disciplinary issues.

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