Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding - Textbook

Geometry: Seeing, Doing, Understanding - Textbook

by Harold Jacobs
Publisher: Master Books
3rd Edition, ©2003, ISBN: 9781683442547
Softcover Textbook, 780 pages
List Price: $85.99 Sale Price: $68.79

Harold Jacobs’ Geometry has been an authoritative standard for years, with nearly one million students having learned geometry principles through the text. Now revised with a daily schedule, the text is adaptable for either classroom or homeschool use. With the use of innovative discussions, cartoons, anecdotes, and vivid exercises, students will not only learn but will also find their interest growing with each lesson. The full-color student book focuses on guided discovery to help students develop geometric awareness. Geometry is all around us. Prepare to understand its dynamic influence so much better!

  • Student textbook includes easy-to-follow instruction and selected answers in the back
  • Lessons are divided into 16 chapters, covering deductive reasoning, congruence and similarity, transformations, coordinate geometry, area, geometric solids and non-Euclidean geometries, with helpful summaries and reviews.
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