Gary E. Parker

Gary E. Parker

Receiving his education from Ball State, Parker earned a bachelor's degree in Biology/Chemistry and a master's degree in Biology/Physiology and his doctorate in Biology/Geology. For many years he taught evolution until he began believing that the scientific evidence pointed to creation. With his wife, Mary, he worked as a senior lecturer for Answers in Genesis since the inception of their apologetics ministry in 1994. He stayed with them full-time for five years and has written biology textbooks and creation science books including Exploring the World Around You and Dry Bones and Other Fossils, which he co-authored with Mary. A worldwide lecturer on creation, Parker also appears on television programs and in films.


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14 Items found
Building Blocks in Earth Science
by Gary Parker
from Master Books
for 7th-12th grade
in Earth Science (Location: SCI-EARTH)
Building Blocks in Life Science
by Gary Parker
from Master Books
for 9th-12th grade
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Building Blocks in Science
by Gary Parker
from Master Books
for 7th-12th grade
in Master Books Science (Location: SCICUR-MB)
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Complete Zoo Adventure
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from Master Books
for 3rd-6th grade
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Creation: Facts of Life
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from Master Books
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Dry Bones and Other Fossils
by Gary Parker
7th edition from Master Books
for 4th-6th grade
in Dinosaurs & Fossils (Location: SCI-DINO)
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Dry Bones and Other Fossils
by Gary & Mary Parker
2nd edition from Master Books
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Exploring the World Around You
by Gary Parker
from Master Books
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in Exploring Science (Location: SCC-EXP)
$9.50 (1 in stock)
Fossil Book
Wonders of Creation Series
by Gary & Mary Parker
from Master Books
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Life Before Birth
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PLP: Intro to Speleology & Paleontology - Package
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PLP: Intro to Speleology & Paleontology - Parent Lesson Planner
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What Is Creation Science?
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