Fruit of Her Hands

Fruit of Her Hands

Respect and the Christian Woman

by Nancy Ann Wilson
Publisher: Canon Press
Trade Paperback, 109 pages
List Price: $12.00 Sale Price: $10.20
Used Price: $6.00 (2 in stock) Condition Policy

Imagine where the Church would be today if the men in it were respected as they ought to be by their wives! What power would God unleash through godly men who were respected in their homes?

Wives, instead of focusing on your husband's problems and shortcomings, look at what you are supposed to be doing yourself.

In the Song of Solomon we read, "Like an apple tree among the trees of the woods, so is my beloved among the sons." So what is your perspective when you look at your husband? Is it biblical or does it stem from all those modern lies which surround us?

Many Christian women in our society struggle with their role in the home and in their relationship with their husband. This book explores the biblical themes of respect, contentment, homemaking and more, and exhorts wives to examine their own calling and duty.

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