Christian theology in the hands of Cornelius Van til underwent a significant change. Not because he altered the theology, but by the way Van Til put the pieces of the puzzle together. Van Til understood that he starting point in theology is God. For Van Til, this meant the self-authenticating God of Scripture, in whom all potentiality and actuality were full realized. In other words, there was no hidden potential within God himself. He was thus the source of all knowledge and without him all human attempts at knowledge would fail unless it ultimately rested on this self-sufficient God. This view led to a revolution in the way others, following Van Til's lead, understood other areas of human action: mathematics, philosophy, apologetics, theology, education, science, psychology, history and economics.
And this book, under the general editorship of Gary North, is a collection of essays on these topics as the authors set forth a Christian view of their particular area of specialty. This is a great resource for those who want an introduction to a broad-based Biblical world-and-life view to see how Christian theism is the only rational belief system that provides a secure basis for rational human endeavor.
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