Forked Lightning

Forked Lightning

The Story of General Philip H. Sheridan

by Albert Orbaan
©1964, Item: 93157
190 pages
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"The hoofs of the big black horse churned the earth where the powder smoke was the thickest and bullet whine and shell bang the loudest." Little did Phil Sheridan know as he left his home in Somerset, Ohio, to enter the Military Academy at West Point that one day he would be astride a big black horse named Rienzi leading the Union Soldiers in one of the bloodiest wars of all time, the American Civil War.

Before this high point in his military career, however, Phil would experience the rigorous training and strict discipline of the Academy and journey to the Far West to engage in Indian fighting.

A slightly built man, he learned at an early age that courage and spirit were more important than actual size in physical combat. Applying this knowledge to his relationship with the men of the Union army, he became well known for the heroic efforts of his soldiers on the battlefield. As a bolt of forked lightning affects several areas at once, so Phil Sheridan could inspire thousands of men to exert every ounce of their strength to triumph in a seemingly hopeless situation.

Forked Lightning vividly presents the dramatic events of this leader's life, and includes detailed accounts of the numerous military campaigns in which he served.

—from the dust jacket

Forked Lightning (Hawthorn, 1964) was designed by Stefan Salter and completely manufactured by American Book-Stratford Press. The body type is Linotype Janson, based on the letters of Anton Janson, a Dutch punchcutter who worked between 1660 and 1687.

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