Farmer Boy

Farmer Boy

Little House Series #3
by Laura Ingalls Wilder
Publisher: HarperCollins
Trade Paperback, 372 pages
List Price: $8.99 Sale Price: $7.64

While Laura grows up in a little house on the western prairie, Almanzo Wilder is living on a big farm in New York State. Almanzo and his brother and sisters work at their chores from dawn to supper most days—no matter what the weather. There is still time for fun, though, especially with the horses, which Almanzo loves more than anything.

Used copies may have an older gingham cover design.

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Summary: Almanzo and his family live and work on a big farm in New York.

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  Great Book!
Ajf of Kalamazoo, 8/31/2016
This book is about a boy named Almanzo who lives on a farm. Almanzo learns not to give candy to pigs and how to drive oxen. I really liked it because I like animals and Laura Ingalls Wilder is a really good writer. You really should read this book to learn about life on a farm a long time ago.
  Farmer Boy
Amanda A. of Oregon City, 7/25/2016
It made me feel happy when Almonzo was honest with his father when he asked for a nickel and when he hadn't fooled with the colts. I wish there was a little more action in the book, but it was still good! My favorite part of the book is at the end, when he gets his own colt and $200. It made me feel mad at Almonzo when he didn't tell his mother and father about the stove polish in the parlor! I loved it when he was nice to his brother and sisters.