Famous American Poets

Famous American Poets

by Laura Benet
Item: 93253
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Illustrated with Photographs

It is inspiring to read of the triumphs of great poets. The Greeks used to crown their bards with laurel. But long before we come to the laurel stage, we want to remember the seemingly minor incidents in the lives of the poets of our own land; the little-noticed milestones along the road that slowly or swiftly led them on to fame; the enduring scenes of their childhood and youth; their earliest successes and stumbling blocks and who first encouraged and published their work.

These things are quite as important for young people to know as the fact that these poets are famous and the lists of their books. How did they become famous? Who first sang songs and recited poetry to give them the rhythmical beat of sound? It was to dis cover such incidents that Laura Benét, a fine poet herself, worked in preparing these sketches of our American poets. Some lives were more colorful than others, perhaps, but in every life there was something that started the elusive seed of poetry growing until it put forth lively, inspiring leaves and flowers.

For boys and girls from 10 to 14


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