
Chapter Eight: New Orleans

April 30, 2007 - May 01, 2007

After attending church with the Mahars on Sunday, we said our goodbyes and hit the road for one last stretch.  A few hours later we were driving through New Orleans.

Everyone always wants to know if we saw much destruction from the hurricane.  There was definitely traces visible from the highway: we saw vacant houses, patched fences, lots of construction, and many "rebuilding with pride" billboards as we drove through.  The Best Western we stayed at was in the process of remodeling.  But they've made a lot of progress since Katrina struck.

Our vacation was drawing to a close.  It had been a fun two weeks, but we were glad that there was only one more day of touring left.

Strolling through the old French Quarter
April 30
Monday Morning
A Tour of the Laura Plantation
April 30
Monday Afternoon
A Visit to Oak Alley
April 30

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