Exploring Japan

Exploring Japan

The Handiest Guidebook for Travel in Japan

by Bob Frew
Publisher: Tokyo News Service
©1956, Item: 91176
Hardcover, 126 pages
Used Price: $8.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Here is the most authentic guide- book to come off the Tokyo presses in many a day. Practical, concise and detailed, "Exploring Japan" is the experienced traveler's most helpful answer for touring this country. Briefly, here is all the information required to visit and enjoy the most intriguing points of interest.

The author has often made many junkets to the regions here described, as well as less accessible districts, partaking of native food and customs, so that he writes from first-hand experience.

Having traveled extensively throughout the world himself, he wrote this guide with a knowledge of required information for those who visit briefly.

Here is Bob Frew's qualified recommendations on transportation, accommodations and recreational facilities.

Every visitor to these shores, as well as the resident, should consider this book a "must" in his library.

– From the dust jacket

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