Exploring Creation With Physics - Extra Tests

Exploring Creation With Physics - Extra Tests

by Dr. Jay Wile
2nd Edition, ©2008, ISBN: 9781932012446
Staplebound, 32 pages
List Price: $7.00 Sale Price: $5.60
Used Price: $4.00 (4 in stock) Condition Policy

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This 32 page test refill packet contains a perforated copy of each module test fromExploring Creation with Physics. This contains ONLY tests and no solutions. This product is great for a family with multiple students taking the same course or families who have used the course in the past and just need a new set of tests for the current student.

Note:If you are purchasing anewExploring Creation withPhysics 2nd Edition Solutions and Test Manual, you will receive one set of perforated test pages in that order; if it isused, you'll want this too.

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