Exploring Creation with High School Astronomy

Exploring Creation with High School Astronomy

by Damian Ludwiczak
Softcover Textbook
List Price: $65.00 Sale Price: $52.00
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Exploring Creation with High School Astronomy is an exciting high school elective course designed to help students sense the mystery of our Creator within the mysteries discovered by the scientific study of our universe.

This elective text uses scientific and mathematical constants of the universe to reveal the beauty of creation. Any high school student would benefit from this elective (which requires no tests), however it is a perfect complement to Physics where the mathematical levels are similar. This textbook features engaging lessons that end with "On your Own" questions, which allows students to check their comprehension levels. Some questions are mathematically based, but students can skip them if they don't have the prerequisite skills.

Grades 9-12 / High School.

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