Everyday Battles

Everyday Battles

Knowing God Through Our Daily Conflicts

by Bob Schultz
Publisher: Boulder Creek Books
Trade Paperback, 168 pages
Current Retail Price: $12.00
Used Price: $8.50 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Bob Schultz died of a heart attack while writing Everyday Battles, his fourth and last book. In it, he explores the concept of conflict and struggle as it appears in the Bible and as Christian men encounter it in day-to-day life. Why does a loving God so often allow, and sometimes even sanction, warfare? Is there a universal proper response, or do different conflicts demand different attitudes? Should we avoid conflict and disagreements, or willingly fight whenever we have justifiable cause?

The responses are often more gentle than readers might expect. Highly devotional, Everyday Battles is meant to draw us closer to Christ through the struggles we constantly encounter. Using stories, illustrations and old-fashioned wisdom, Schultz talks about when to run, how to evaluate justice, and when you just need to put up your fists and fight. A lot of the battles he describes are metaphorical (with inconsiderate neighbors, in the mind, or against unwholesome desires), but his examples are always relatable and often recognizable.

At the outset Schultz offers a disclaimer—his purpose isn't to investigate deep theological concepts, it's simply to offer practical advice and encouragement for Christian men in a world of conflict. Questions at the end of each chapter help readers reflect and practice self-investigation. But Schultz is equally clear on this point—he is a man and men are flawed; for pure wisdom a man must constantly seek and contemplate God's Word. The epilogue by Betsy Schultz (Bob's daughter) is testament to a man who did just that, and who called on the Lord to fight his battles for him.

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