Evergreen Schole Form IV

Evergreen Schole Form IV

Item: 72584
Current Retail Price: $24.95
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Required Purchase

  1. Bible (Old & New Testament with Psalms)
  2. Odyssey (Fitzgerald translation)  
  3. Meditations (Marcus Aurelius, Hays translation)
  4. Till We Have Faces (with Walking to Wisdom guide)
  5. Nicomachean Ethics (Bartlett translation)
  6. The Chosen (Potok)
  7. On the Incarnation (Athanasius, Behr translation)
  8. Ben Hur
  9. Confessions (Augustine, Chadwick translation)
  10. Pride & Prejudice
  11. Jaber Crow
  12. Jesus Among Other Gods (Zacharias)
  13. Declaration of Independence and the U.S. Constitution
  14. Federalist Papers
  15. Economics text (tbd)
  16. How Should We Then Live? (Schaeffer)
  17. Apologia Health & Nutrition
  18. Novare General Biology
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