Evergreen Schole Form II

Evergreen Schole Form II

Item: 72578
Current Retail Price: $23.95
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* Note items that are not needed until after Christmas.

Required Purchase:

  1. Story of the World Volume 1
  2. Story of the World Volume 1 - Activity Guide
  3. Exploring Nature with Children
    1. Literature Option A: (students may use library or electronic copies)
      • Our Mother Tongue
      • Black Ships Before Troy
      • Wanderings of Odysseus 
      • Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
      • Bronze Bow 
      • Single Shard 
    2. Literature Option B
      • Our Mother Tongue 
      • Aesop's Fables
      • Little Prince
      • Black Beauty
      • Princess and the Goblin
      • Magician's Nephew


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