Eva Ibbotson

4 Items found
Puffin Classics
by Johanna Spyri, translated by Eileen Hall and illustrated by Cecil Leslie
from Puffin Books
Realistic Fiction for 4th-8th grade
in Puffin Classics (Location: FIC-PUF)
Journey to the River Sea
by Eva Ibbotson
First Edition from Dutton Juvenile
for 5th-7th grade
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
$6.00 (1 in stock)
Journey to the River Sea
by Eva Ibbotson
Reprint from Puffin Books
for 5th-7th grade
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
$7.64 $4.00 (1 in stock)
Star of Kazan
by Eva Ibbotson
from Puffin Books
for 4th-6th grade
in Fantasy Fiction (Location: FIC-FAN)