EPS Reasoning & Reading

Are you looking for a way to teach reading skills to elementary students, while also teaching these growing minds to think and reflect on what they read? Then this is the program for you. Designed by veteran educator Joane Carlisle, this program will help develop critical reading skills for students in third through eighth grade. Clearly designed, logically-sequenced and easy to use!

These workbooks develop basic language and thinking skills that build the foundation for reading comprehension. Exercises reinforce reading as a critical reasoning activity. Many exercises encourage students to come up with their own response in instances where there is no single correct answer. In other cases, exercises lend themselves to students working collaboratively to see how many different answers satisfy a question.

All the books in the series share the following format:

Unit I, Word Meaning: comparing, contrasting, and classifying words, and discriminating between good and vague definitions

Unit II, Sentence Meaning: complete sentences, recognizing the main thought, as well as time order, cause and effect, comparison, generalizations, and examples

Unit III, Paragraph Meaning: topic sentences, signal words, unity, examples, and support for the main idea

Unit IV, Reasoning Skills: fact and opinion, relevance, syllogisms, and inferences


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10 Items found Print
Beginning Reasoning & Reading
by Joanne Carlisle
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Beginning Reasoning & Reading - Teacher's Guide / Answer Key
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Let's Read 1
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PAF Stepping Up in Reading 1
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PAF Stepping Up in Reading 2
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for Kindergarten-3rd grade
in EPS Reasoning & Reading (Location: REACOM-EPS)
PAF Stepping Up in Reading 3
by Eileen Perlman
from Educators Publishing Service
for Kindergarten-3rd grade
in EPS Reasoning & Reading (Location: REACOM-EPS)
Reasoning & Reading 1
by Joanne Carlisle
from Educators Publishing Service
for 5th-6th grade
in EPS Reasoning & Reading (Location: REACOM-EPS)
Reasoning & Reading 1 - Teacher's Guide / Answer Key
by Joanne Carlisle
from Educators Publishing Service
for 5th-6th grade
in EPS Reasoning & Reading (Location: REACOM-EPS)
Reasoning & Reading 2
by Joanne Carlisle
from Educators Publishing Service
for 7th-8th grade
in EPS Reasoning & Reading (Location: REACOM-EPS)
Reasoning & Reading 2 - Teacher's Guide / Answer Key
by Joane Carlisle
from Educators Publishing Service
for 7th-8th grade
in EPS Reasoning & Reading (Location: REACOM-EPS)
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