Elizabeth Borton de Trevino

Elizabeth Borton de Trevino

Elizabeth Borton de Trevino has displayed an undying tenacity in her successful and wide ranging career as a writer. Her persistence can be attributed to her family's characteristic stubbornness. Elizabeth was born and raised in Bakersfield, California, at the turn of the century (1904), a time when society was changing with astonishing rapidity. These changes, along with many other events in her life yet to come, culminated in many of her later writings. Writing was ever Elizabeth's focus; her first taste of success came at age eight, when a local paper published one of her poems. During her studies at the university level, teachers recognized the writer within her, and encouraged her pursuit of it. Elizabeth removed from her California home to Boston, intending to study the violin, yet was soon employed as a journalist for The Boston Herald. Because she was musically talented and fluent in the Spanish language, Elizabeth was appointed to interview international celebrities. This position set the stage for the meeting between her and her Mexican husband, Luis Trevino. Although busy as a journalist, Elizabeth, who had also authored two novels at this point, had met with little popularity, requiring every ounce of perseverance that she could muster in order to continue in the writing world. At long last, in 1953, her best-selling memoir My Heart Lies in the South brought her the necessary recognition to establish her as a popular writer. Elizabeth's subsequent works were equally well-received. Aside from her life-long pursuit of writing, Elizabeth remained devoted to her own family and adopted Mexican homeland; even greater was her devotion to her faith in God, who was so obviously the source of her strength.

Works by Elizabeth Borton de Trevino:

  • Pollyanna (and four other books in the series)
  • I, Juan de Pareja
  • Hearthstone of My Heart
  • My Heart Lies in the South
  • Where the Heart Is
  • El Guero: A True Adventure Story
  • Leona, A Love Story
  • Beyond the Gates of Hercules: A Tale of the Lost Atlantis
  • Her is Mexico
  • A Heart Possessed: A Love Story
  • The Music Within
  • Casilda of the Rising Moon
  • Nacar, the White Deer: A Story of Old Mexico
  • Turi's Papa
  • House on Bitterness Street
  • Greek of Toledo: A Romantic Narrative about El Greco
  • A Carpet of Flowers
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