Dr. George Grant

Dr. George Grant

Dr. George Grant's adult life has revolved around pastoring, education, and Christian writing. A pastor of the Presbyterian Church in America, Grant founded the Franklin Classical School in Franklin, Tennessee. He served as a director at the King's Meadow Study Center and director of the Gileskirk Curriculum Project. Chancellor of Bannockburn College, Grant was a professor of moral philosophy.

Grant speaks in the United States and all over the world. He has penned numerous books, over 80, including Grand Illusions, a best-selling pro-life book. Other works center on his interest in theology, history, education, literature, and the arts. His articles number well over 100, and he is a regular contributor to World and Table Talk magazines. Aside from editing the Stirling Bridges newsletter, Grant is currently involved in a church planting movement. He and his wife Karen live in Middle Tennessee.

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