Douglas Kelly

Douglas Kelly

Kelly is the Richard Jordan Professor of Systemic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary in Charlotte, North Carolina. A linguist, Kelly has studied in Europe and America and undertook the translation of such works as Sermons by John Calvin on II Samuel. Working as an editor, writer, speaker, teacher, and preacher, Kelly has traveled widely. He defends the idea of young earth creationism and questions the age of the earth and universe in his book Creation and Change. A prolific writer, Kelly has penned numerous works including The Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World and Refuting Compromise. Kelly served on the Jurisprudence project of The Christian Legal Society and today continues in his calling.


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4 Items found
Creation and Change
by Douglas Kelly
from Mentor Books
for 11th-Adult
in Faith & Science (Location: XAP-SCI)
Emergence of Liberty in the Modern World
by Douglas Kelly
from P&R Publishing
in Government & Civics Resources (Location: GOV-REF)
John Calvin's Sermons on 2 Samuel: Chapters 1-13
by John Calvin, translated by Douglas Kelly
from Banner of Truth Trust
for Adult
in Bible Commentaries (Location: XBI-COMM)
$33.00 (4 in stock)
Westminster Shorter Catechism in Modern English
by Phillip Rollinson & Kelly Douglas, editors
from P&R Publishing
for All ages
in Creeds, Confessions & Catechisms (Location: XTH-CREED)