Dobie Sturgis and the Dog Soldiers

Dobie Sturgis and the Dog Soldiers

by Carl G. Hodges
Publisher: Bobbs-Merril Co
First Edition, ©1963, Item: 89739
Library Rebind, 156 pages
Used Price: $6.00 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

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Dobie Sturgis is an heroic, stoic 14-year-old who barely survives a stage-coach raid by Cheyenne Dog Soldiers. He helps track down and recover the little sister the Cheyenne had carted away as a blonde souvenir and he generally comports himself so well that the Army's Pawnee scouts make him one of their own in a technicolor ending. He comes across as pure prig. His little sister is a miniature Mary Pickford heroine from dotted dress to the last corkscrew curl. There is a Major in here -- one of those legendary types -- beloved by the Pawnee tribe and spewing out a bully boy, oughline [sic] approach to Indian problems and Indian psychology. There is even room for the chickenhearted colonel so dear to the heart of novelists of all age levels. There are broad hints about a female's fate at Cheyenne hands. Dobie and his 14-year-old advice is accepted with the kind of appreciation that is beautiful to behold and incredible coming from cavalry toughened soldiers. Seen without illustrations. Altogether enough to drive one to firewater.

From Kirkus Reviews, Feb. 1, 1963

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