

by John Murray
Publisher: P&R Publishing
Trade Paperback, 122 pages
List Price: $9.99 Sale Price: $7.99

The question of divorce constantly interests and agitates the church. Indeed, muses the author, it is a happy pastor and a rare one, who does not find himself embroiled in the heartache and complications of divorce and marital separations. Yet among different branches of God's church we find deep-seated differences of viewpoint and interpretation regarding whether divorce is permissible or not.

Wrote Murray, "The church of Christ is being increasingly perplexed by marital situation which in one way or another are related to divorce. Pastors and those in whom government is vested know only too well how complex many of these cases are and what heart burning they entail for them. Any tendency to allow sociological considerations divorced from biblical teaching to dictate advice or solution is unworthy of the church of Christ. It is necessary to prize ever and anon the infallible rule of faith and practice provided for us in Holy Scripture."

Table of Contents:


  1. The Old Testament Provisions
  2. The Teaching of Our Lord
  3. The Teaching of Paul
  4. Practical Cases

    Index of Subjects
    Index of Authors
    Index of Scripture References
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