Dimensions Math 7A - Teaching Notes & Solutions

Dimensions Math 7A - Teaching Notes & Solutions

Publisher: Star Publishing
Trade Paperback, 174 pages
Price: $32.00
Used Price: $22.00 (3 in stock) Condition Policy

Dimensions Math (Discovering Mathematics) Common Core is a series of textbooks designed for middle school students. Developed in collaboration between Star Publishing and Singapore Math Inc.®, this series follows the Singapore Mathematics Framework and covers the topics in the Common Core State Standards.

The emphasis of this series is on empowering the students to learn mathematics effectively and independently. Depending on the topics covered, different approaches are adopted for the presentation of concepts to facilitate easy understanding by students to internalize concepts and instill in them an interest to explore the topics further.

Each book includes appropriate examples, class activities and diagrams to understand the concepts and apply them. IT skills and values are incorporated as appropriate.

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