Snow Treasure

Snow Treasure

by Marie McSwigan
Trade Paperback, 156 pages
Price: $8.99
Used Price: $4.50 (1 in stock) Condition Policy

Historical Setting: Norway, 1940 A. D.

On June 28, 1940, nearly a year after World War II broke out in Europe, the Norwegian freighter Bomma reached Baltimore with a cargo of gold bullion worth $9,000,000.

When the Bomma's captain asked for a police escort while unloading the bullion, a strange story came to light. The gold, it was reported, had been slipped past Nazi sentries by Norwegian boys and girls! Under the very eyes of the enemy, the story went, these children had pulled the gold on their sleds to a freighter hidden in a fjord off Norway's coast. So that no harm might come to the brave children, the captain would not tell the location of the fjord.

For many years, this story was believed true. But over 40 years later, there is no proof that it ever really happened. We do not know. But we do know that the story captures the courage of many children, who, caught up in war, have helped their country in a time of great danger.

This paperback edition includes the original charcoal illustrations by Mary Reardon.

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  Snow Treasure
Ruthi of Oregon, 8/31/2016
I really enjoyed reading Snow Treasure. The story takes place in Norway. Peter carried the gold on his sled. Peter and his friends smuggled the gold past the German guards. They dug big holes in the snow between the trees, buried the gold and made snowmen over them. Then Peter's uncle and the first mate on the boat found the snowmen and dug under them. They found the gold and carried it on the boat. The boat brought it safely to the U.S.