Writing & Grammar 10 - Student Worktext (old)

Writing & Grammar 10 - Student Worktext (old)

2nd Edition, ©2002, Publisher Catalog #181156
Consumable Workbook, 472 pages
Current Retail Price: $21.50
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Teach the eight parts of speech, verbal phrases, clauses (including noun clauses), usage, and mechanics. Review the five basic sentence patterns: S-be-Advl and S-Trv-DO-OC. Reference chapters include library skills such as test-taking strategies. Lead students through the writing process and teach writing strategies such as sentence expansion and reduction, coordination and subordination, and parallelism. Writing projects include persuasive speech, editorial, eyewitness report, research essay, cause-and-effect essay, short story, poetry and metaphor, and webpage design.

The Student Worktext presents themes and topics that engage students in writing and grammar. Each chapter is introduced with a short story that shows the development of printing.

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