English 3 - Student Worktext (old)

English 3 - Student Worktext (old)

Writing and Grammar

2nd Edition, ©2008, Publisher Catalog #260067
Consumable Workbook, 362 pages
Price: $31.94

Emphasis on traditional grammar as well as practice with vital reference skills and step-by-step use of the Writing Process for eight different types of writing assignments, such as game instructions, book reports, compare-contract essay, and more. The student worktext provides guided practice, independent practice, chapter reviews, and cumulative reviews. Located at the back of the worktext, the Writing Handbook contains a thesaurus and writing models, and the Grammar Handbook contains a lists of abbreviations, prepositions, homophones, and diagramming models.

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If you are interested in buying this Worktext, the Teacher Edition, tests, and tests Answer Key together at a discounted price, see the Home School Kit.

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