Honey for a Teen's Heart

Honey for a Teen's Heart

Using Books to Communicate with Teens

by Gladys Hunt, Barbara Hampton
Publisher: Zondervan
Trade Paperback, 301 pages
Price: $16.99

Formerly titled Read for Your Life.

Many teens already know what wealth and just-plain-fun books contain. What is sometimes missing is the encouragement to make time for reading in the middle of a busy life. Getting excited about books is contagious, and so is the reading habit. The whole family needs all the encouragement it can get, especially teenagers.

Honey for a Teen's Heart is more than inspiration to read. Gladys Hunt discusses how to read a book, what makes a good book, what questions to ask, and how to discern between good, better, and best. She has a way of making you want to read, while helping you make the most of the opportunity.

To help you choose what to read, Barbara Hampton has reviewed more than 300 books. Her recommendations run the gamut from classics like A Tale of Two Cities to contemporary fiction like A Ring of Endless Light; from literary greats like Sir Arthur Conan Doyle and Alan Paton to moderns like Katherine Paterson and Chaim Potok.

The book contains:

  • Pointers on becoming a more perceptive reader
  • Tips on how to enjoy poetry, fantasy and fiction
  • An annotated list of over 300 book recommendations
  • Hundreds of plot synopses
  • A complete index to authors and titles

Honey for a Teen's Heart spells out how good books can help you and your teenager communicate heart-to-heart about ideas, values, and the various issues of a Christian worldview. Sharing the adventure of a book lets both of you know the same people, see the same sights, face the same choices, and feel the same emotions. Life spills out of books—giving you plenty to talk about!

But Honey for a Teen's Heart will do more than strengthen the bonds between you and your son or daughter. You'll also learn how to help your teen catch the reading habit and become a lover of good books. Gladys Hunt's insights on how to read a book, what to look for in a book, and how to question what you read will challenge you and your teenager alike. It's training for life! And it's fabulous preparation for teens entering college.

Including an annotated list of over three hundred books, Honey for a Teen's Heart gives you expert guidance on the very best books for teens.

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