Deep Comedy

Deep Comedy

Trinity, Tragedy, & Hope in Western Literature

by Peter J. Leithart
Publisher: Canon Press
Trade Paperback, 159 pages
List Price: $15.00 Sale Price: $12.75

In this short but stimulating work, Peter Leithart draws upon insights from history, theology, philosophy, and literature to connect two of the most glorious and unique truths of Christianity—its hopeful eschatology and its doctrine of a dynamic, personal Trinity. Leithart shows first that the biblical view of history is essentially comic and hopeful, in contrast to the classical Greco-Roman view, which is essentially and irredeemably tragic. Then he develops the same point by examining Greek philosophy and its descendants (including postmodernism) in contrast to orthodox trinitarian theology. Finally, he shows how the tragic and comic worldviews have been reflected in literature, supporting his point with discussions of Greek epics and two Shakespearean plays. The result is a dazzling tour through three thousand years of intellectual history that celebrates the living power of orthodoxy.

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