Dearer Than Life

Dearer Than Life

A Story of the Times of Wycliffe

Emma Leslie Church History Series
by Emma Leslie
Publisher: Salem Ridge Press
Trade Paperback, 255 pages
Current Retail Price: $14.95
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Historical Setting: England in 1366 - 1384 A.D.

Arriving home from a meeting of Parliament in London, Sir Hugh Middleton is shocked to learn that a neighboring monastery has laid claim to one of his fields. Sir Hugh steadfastly refuses to yield his property, and further offends the monastery by sending his younger son, Stephen, to study under Dr. John Wycliffe. At the same time, Sir Hugh sends his elder son, Harry, to serve as an attendant to the powerful Duke of Lancaster. As Wycliffe seeks to share the Word of God with the common people, Stephen and Harry and their sisters help spread the truth, but what will it cost them in the dangerous day in which they live?

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