Dr. David Noebel is the president and founder of Summit Ministries in Manitou Springs, Colorado. He was educated at Milwaukee/Grace Bible College, Hope College, University of Tulsa, and University of Wisconsin (Madison). He is a member of the American Philosophical Association, the Society of Christian Philosophers, and the Council for National Policy. Books by Noebel include The Legacy of John Lennon, The Slaughter of the Innocent, The Homosexual Revolution, Clergy in the Classroom: The Religion of Secular Humanism, and Mind Siege: The Battle for Truth in the New Millennium. With the editorial help of Jeff Baldwin, David wrote an excellent worldview book called Understanding the Times. He and his wife Alice have two children, Joy who has four children of her own and Brent who is now with our Lord. In his free time "Doc" is either reading, playing tennis, or tearing up the countryside on his Kawasaki cruiser.
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