C. S. Lewis Tables of Contents

Tables of Contents for the Works of C.S. Lewis (excluding fiction)

*grayed out means the essay is included in the Lewis essay collection


Abolition of Man


  1. Men Without Chests
  2. The  Way
  3. The Abolition of Man

Appendix—Illustrations of the Tao



All My Road Before Me
(diary from 1922-1927) - no content list


Allegory of Love



  1. Courtly Love
  2. Allegory
  3. The Romance of the Rose
  4. Chaucer
  5. Gower, Thomas Usk
  6. Allegory as the Dominant Form
  7. The Faerie Queene

Appendix I
Appendix II


Christian Reflections


Preface, by Walter Hooper

  • Christianity and Literature
  • Christianity and Culture
  • Religion: Reality or Substitute?
  • On Ethics
  • De Futilitate
  • The Poison of Subjectivism
  • The Funeral of a Great Myth
  • On Church Music
  • Historicism
  • The Psalms
  • The Language of Religion
  • Petitionary Prayer: A Problem without an Answer
  • Modern Theology and Biblical Criticism
  • The Seeing Eye


Dark Tower


  1. The Dark Tower
    A Note on The Dark Tower
  2. The Man Born Blind
  3. The Shoddy Lands
  4. Ministering Angels
  5. Forms of Things Unknown
  6. After Ten Years
    Notes on After Ten Years


Discarded Image



  1. The Medieval Situation
  2. Reservations
  3. Selected Materials: The Classical Period
    1. The Somnium Sciponis
    2. Lucan
    3. Statius. Claudian, and the Lady Natura
    4. Apuleius, De Deo Socratis
  4. Selected Materials: The Seminal Period
    1. Chalcidius
    2. Macrobius
    3. Pseudo-Dionysius
    4. Boethius
  5. The Heavens
    1. The Parts of the Universe
    2. Their Operations
    3. Their Inhabitants
  6. The Longaevi
  7. Earth and Her Inhabitants
    1. The Earth
    2. Beasts
    3. The Human Soul
    4. Rational
    5. Sensitive and Vegetable Soul
    6. Soul and Body
    7. The Human Body
    8. The Human Past
    9. The Seven Liberal Arts
  8. The Influence of the Model



English Literature in the 16th Century (OHEL)




Book I: Late Medieval

  1. The Close of the Middle Ages in Scotland
  2. The Close of the Middle Ages in England

Book II: 'Drab'

  1. Drab Age Prose: Religious Controversy and Translation
  2. Drab Age Verse
  3. Drab and Transitional Prose

Book III: 'Golden'

  1. Sidney and Spenser
  2. Prose in the 'Golden' Period
  3. Verse in the 'Golden' Period

Epilogue: New Tendencies

Chronological Table


Experiment in Criticism


  1. The Few and the Many
  2. False Characterisations
  3. How the Few and the Many use Pictures and Music
  4. The Reading of the Unliterary
  5. On Myth
  6. The Meaning of Fantasy
  7. On Realisms
  8. On Misreading by the Literary
  9. Survey
  10. Poetry
  11. The Experiment

Appendix: A Note on Oedipus


Four Loves


  1. Introduction
  2. Likings and Love for the Sub-Human
  3. Affection
  4. Friendship
  5. Eros
  6. Charity


God in the Dock


Preface by Walter Hooper


  1. Evil and God
  2. Miracles
  3. Dogma and the Universe
  4. Answers to Questions on Christianity
  5. Myth Became Fact
  6. 'Horrid Red Things'
  7. Religion and Science
  8. The Laws of Nature
  9. The Grand Miracle
  10. Christian Apologetics
  11. Work and Prayer
  12. Man or Rabbit?
  13. On the Transmission of Christianity
  14. 'Miserable Offenders'
  15. The Founding of the Oxford Socratic Club
  16. Religion without Dogma?
  17. Some Thoughts
  18. 'The Trouble with "X"...'
  19. What Are We to Make of Jesus Christ?
  20. The Pains of Animals
  21. Is Theism Important?
  22. Rejoinder to Dr Pittenger
  23. Must Our Image of God Go?


  1. Dangers of National Repentance
  2. Two Ways with the Self
  3. Meditation on the Third Commandment
  4. On the Reading of Old Books
  5. Two Lectures
  6. Meditation in a Toolshed
  7. Scraps
  8. The Decline of Religion
  9. Vivisection
  10. Modern Translations of the Bible
  11. Priestesses in the Church?
  12. God in the Dock
  13. Behind the Scenes
  14. Revival or Decay?
  15. Before We Can Communicate
  16. Cross-Examination


  1. 'Bulverism'
  2. First and Second Things
  3. The Sermon and the Lunch
  4. The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment
  5. Xmas and Christmas
  6. What Christmas Means to Me
  7. Delinquents in the Snow
  8. Is Progress Possible?
  9. We Have No 'Right to Happiness'




Grief Observed
(four chapters, untitled)


Image & Imagination


Preface by Walter Hooper
List of abbreviations

Part I: Reflections on Literature

  1. The idea of an 'English School'
  2. Our English syllabus
  3. Image and imagination
  4. Arundell Esdaile, The Sources of English Literature
  5. W. P. Ker, Form and Style in Poetry: Lectures and Notes, ed. R. W. Chambers
  6. Denis de Rougemont, Poetry and Society and Claude Chavasse, The Bride of Christ
  7. Oliver Elton (1861-1945): an obituary
  8. Howard Rollin Patch, The Other World, According to Descriptions in Medieval Literature
  9. Werner Schwarz, Principles and Problems of Biblical Translation
  10. Tragin ends: George Steiner, The Death of Tragedy
  11. Eros on the loose: David Loth, The Erotic in Literature

Part II: The Inklings: Barfield, Tolkien and Williams

  1. Who gaf me drink?: Owen Barfield, Romanticism Comes of Age
  2. G. A. L. Burgeon (= Owen Barfield), This Ever Diverse Pair
  3. A world for children: J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit: or There and Back Again
  4. Professor Tolkien's hobbit: J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit: or There and Back Again
  5. The gods return to earth: J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring (being the First Part of The Lord of the Rings)
  6. The dethronement of power: J. R. R. Tolkien, The Two Towers (being the First Part of The Lord of the Rings) and The Return of the Ring (being the Third Part of The Lord of the Rings
  7. Preface from Essays Presented to Charles Williams, ed. C. S. Lewis
  8. A sacred poem: Charles Williams, Taliesen Through Logres
  9. Charles Williams, Taliesen Through Logres
  10. Charles Walter Stansby Williams (1886-1945): an obituary

Part III: Reflections on Christianity and literature

  1. A Lectionary of Christian Prose from the Second Century to the Twentieth Century, ed. A. C. Bouquet
  2. The Oxford Book of Christian Verse, ed. Lord David Cecil
  3. Dorothy Sayers, The Mind of the Maker
  4. Selected sermons: A Selection from the Occasional Sermons of Ronald Arbuthnott Knox, ed. Evelyn Waugh
  5. Foreword to Joy Davidman, Smoke on the Mountain: An Interpretation of the Ten Commandments
  6. Preface to Austin Farrer, A Faith of Our Own

Part IV: Classical literature

  1. Odysseus sails again: The Odyssey, trans. Robert Fitzgerald
  2. Ajax and others: John Jones, On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy
  3. Lucretius
  4. T. R. Henn, Longinus and English Criticism
  5. Helen M. Barrett, Boethius: Some Aspects of his Times and Work

Part V: Medieval and Renaissance literature

  1. Ruth Mohl, The Three Estates in Medieval and Renaissance Literature
  2. J. W. H. Atkins, English Literary Criticism: The Medieval Phase
  3. Arthuriana: Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages: A Collaborative Study, ed. R. S. Loomis
  4. Introduction from Selections from La?amon's Brut, ed. G. L. Brook
  5. Andreas Capellanus, The Art of Courtly Love, with introduction, translation, and notes by John Jay Perry
  6. Rhyme and reason: Dorothy L. Sayers, The Poetry of Search and the Poetry of Statement
  7. Alan M. F. Gunn, The Mirror of Love: A Reinterpretation of The Romance of the Rose
  8. The English prose Morte
  9. Leone Ebreo, The Philosophy of Love (Dialoghi d'Amore), trans. J. Friedeberg-Seeley and Jean H. Barnes, and intro. Cecil Roth
  10. E. K. Chambers, Sir Thomas Wyatt and Some Collected Studies
  11. M. Pauline Parker, The Allegory of the Faerie Queene
  12. John Vyvyan, Shakespeare and the Rose of Love

Part VI: Milton and later English literature

  1. Logan Pearsall Smith, Milton and his Modern Critics
  2. Douglas Bush, Paradise Lost in Our Time: Some Comments
  3. H. W. Garrod, Collins
  4. Hugh Kingsmill, Mathew Arnold
  5. Evelyn Waugh, Rossetti: His Life and Works
  6. Boswell's bugbear: Sir John Hawkins, The Life of Samuel Johnson, ed. Bertram Hylton Davis
  7. Poetry and exegesis: Harold Bloom, The Visionary Company: A Reading of English Romantic Poetry
  8. The Sagas and modern life—Morris, Mr Yeats, and the originals: Dorothy M. Hoare, The Works of Morris and of Yeats in Relation to Early Saga Literature
  9. Haggard rides again: Morton Cohen, Rider Haggard: His Life and Works



Mere Christianity


Book 1: Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe

  1. The Law of Human Nature
  2. Some Objections
  3. The Reality of the Law
  4. What Lies Behind the Law
  5. We Have Cause to Be Uneasy

Book 2: What Christians Believe

  1. The Rival Conceptions of God
  2. The Invasion
  3. The Shocking Alternative
  4. The Perfect Penitent
  5. The Practical Conclusion

Book 3: Christian Behaviour

  1. The Three Parts of Morality
  2. The 'Cardinal Virtues'
  3. Social Morality
  4. Morality and Psychoanalysis
  5. Sexual Morality
  6. Christian Marriage
  7. Forgiveness
  8. The Great Sin
  9. Charity
  10. Hope
  11. Faith
  12. Faith

Book 4: Beyond Personality: or First Steps in the Doctrine of the Trinity

  1. Making and Begetting
  2. The Three-Personal God
  3. Time and Beyond Time
  4. Good Infection
  5. The Obstinate Toy Soldiers
  6. Two Notes
  7. Let's Pretend
  8. Is Christianity Hard or Easy?
  9. Counting the Cost
  10. Nice People or New Men
  11. The New Men




  1. The Scope of this Book
  2. The Naturalist and the Supernaturalist
  3. The Cardinal Difficulty of Naturalism
  4. Answers to Misgivings
  5. A Chapter of Red Herrings
  6. Miracles and the Laws of Nature
  7. A Chapter Not Strictly Necessary
  8. 'Horrid Red Things'
  9. Christianity and 'Religion'
  10. The Propriety off Miracles
  11. On Probability
  12. The Grand Miracle
  13. Miracles of the Old Creation
  14. Miracles of the New Creation
  15. Epilogue

Appendix A: On the Words 'Spirit' and 'Spiritual'
Appendix B: On 'Special Providences'


Narrative Poems



  • Dymer
  • Launcelot
  • The Nameless Isle
  • The Queen of Drum



On Stories



  1. On Stories
  2. The Novels of Charles Williams
  3. A Tribute to E. R. Eddison
  4. On Three Ways of Writing for Children
  5. Sometimes Fairy Stories May Say Best What's to Be Said
  6. On Juvenile Tastes
  7. It All Began with a Picture
  8. On Science Fiction
  9. A Reply to Professor Haldane
  10. The Hobbit
  11. Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
  12. A Panegyric for Dorothy L. Sayers
  13. The Mythopoeic Gift of Rider Haggard
  14. George Orwell
  15. The Death of Words
  16. The Parthenon and the Optative
  17. Period Criticism
  18. Different Tastes in Literature
  19. On Criticism
  20. Unreal Estates


Personal Heresy
A debate between Lewis & EMW Tillyard (no title headings)



  1. C. S. Lewis
  2. E. M. W. Tillyard
  3. C. S. Lewis
  4. E. M. W. Tillyard
  5. C. S. Lewis
  6. E. M. W. Tillyard



Pilgrim’s Regress



  1. The Rules
  2. The Island
  3. The Eastern Mountains
  4. Leah for Rachel
  5. Ichabod
  6. Quem Quaeritis in Sepulchro? Non Est Hic


  1. Dixit Insipiens
  2. The Hill
  3. A Little Southward
  4. Soft Going
  5. Leah For Rachel
  6. Ichabod
  7. Non Est Hic
  8. Great Promises


  1. Eschropolis
  2. A South Wind
  3. Freedom of Thought
  4. The Man Behind the Gun
  5. Under Arrest
  6. Poisoning the Wells
  7. Facing the Facts
  8. Parrot Disease
  9. The Giant Slayer


  1. Let Grill Be Grill
  2. Archtype and Ectype
  3. Esse Is Percipi
  4. Escape


  1. The Grand Canyon
  2. Mother Kirk’s Story
  3. The Self-Sufficiency of Virtue
  4. Mr. Sensible
  5. Table Talk
  6. Drudge
  7. The Gaucherie of Virtue


  1. First Steps to the North
  2. Three Pale Men
  3. Neo-Angular
  4. Humanist
  5. Food from the North
  6. Furthest North
  7. Fools’ Paradise


  1. Virtue is Sick
  2. John Leading
  3. The Main Road Again
  4. Going South
  5. Tea on the Lawn
  6. The House of Wisdom
  7. Across the Canyon by Moonlight
  8. This Side By Sunlight
  9. Wisdom – Exoteric
  10. Wisdom – Esoteric
  11. Mum’s the Word
  12. More Wisdom

Book Eight AT BAY

  1. Two Kinds of Monist
  2. John Led
  3. John Forgets Himself
  4. John Finds His Voice
  5. Food At a Cost
  6. Caught
  7. The Hermit
  8. History’s Words
  9. Matter of Fact
  10. Archtype and Ectype


  1. Across the Canyon by the Inner Light
  2. This Side By Lightning
  3. This Side by the Darkness
  4. Securus Te Projice
  5. Across the Canyon
  6. Nella Sua Voluntade


  1. The Same Yet Different
  2. The Synthetic Man
  3. Limbo
  4. The Black Hole
  5. Superbia
  6. Ignorantia
  7. Luxuria
  8. The Northern Dragon
  9. The Southern Dragon
  10. The Brook

Afterword to the Third Edition




Part I: The Hidden Country

  • A Confession
  • Impenitence
  • A Cliche Came Out of Its Cage
  • Pan's Purge
  • Narnian Suite
  • The Magician and the Dryad
  • The True Nature of Gnomes
  • The Birth of Language
  • The Planets
  • Pindar Sang
  • Hemione in the House of Paulina
  • Young King Cole
  • The Prodigality of Firdausi
  • Le Roi S'Amuse
  • Vitrea Circe
  • The Landing
  • The Day with a White Mark
  • Donkey's Delight
  • The Small Man Orders His Wedding
  • The Country of the Blind
  • On Being Human
  • The Ecstasy
  • The Saboteuse
  • The Last of the Winee
  • As One Oldster to Another
  • Ballade of Dead Gentlemen
  • The Adam Unparadised
  • The Adam at Night
  • Solomon
  • The Late Passenger
  • The Turn of the Tide

Part II: The Backward Glance

  • Evolutionary Hymn
  • Prelude to Space: An Epithalamium
  • Science-Fiction Cradlesong
  • An Expostulation: Against Too Many Writers of Science Fiction
  • Odora Can Vis: A Defence of Certain Modern Biographers and Critics
  • On a Vulgar Error
  • The Future of Forestry
  • Lines During a General Election
  • The Condemned
  • The Genuine Article
  • On the Atomic Bomb: Metrical Experiment
  • To the Author of Flowering Rifle
  • To Roy Campbell
  • Coronation March
  • 'Man is a Lumpe Where All Beasts Kneaded Be'
  • On a Picture by Chirico
  • On a Theme from Nicolas of Cusa
  • What the Bird Said Early in the Year
  • The Salamander
  • Infatuation
  • Vowels and Sirens
  • The Prudent Jailer
  • Aubade
  • Pattern
  • After Aristotle
  • Reason
  • To Andrew Marvell
  • Lines Written in a Copy of Milton's Works
  • Scholar's Melancholy

Part III: A Larger World

  • Wormwood
  • Virtue's Independence
  • Posturing
  • Deception
  • Deadly Sins
  • The Dragon Speaks
  • Dragon-Slayer
  • Lilith
  • A Pageant Played in Vain
  • When the Curtain's Down
  • Divine Justice
  • Eden's Courtesy
  • The Meteorite
  • Two Kinds of Memory
  • Re-Adjustment
  • Nearly They Stood
  • Relapse
  • Late Summer
  • To a Friend
  • To Charles Williams
  • After Vain Pretense
  • Angel's Song
  • Joys That Sting
  • Old Poets Remembered
  • As the Ruin Falls

Part IV: Further Up and Further In

  • Poem for Psychoanalysts and/or Theologians
  • Noon's Intensity
  • Sweet Desire
  • Caught
  • Forbidden Pleasure
  • The Naked Seed
  • Scazons
  • Legion
  • Pilgrim's Problem
  • Sonnet
  • The Phoenix
  • The Nativity
  • Prayer
  • Love's as Warm as Tears
  • No Beauty We Could Desire
  • Stephen to Lazarus
  • Five Sonnets
  • Evensong
  • The Apologist's Evening Prayer
  • Footnote to All Prayers
  • After Prayers, Lie Cold

Part V: A Farewell to Shadowlands

  • Epigrams and Epitaphs



Preface to Paradise Lost


  1. Epic Poetry
  2. Is Criticism Possible?
  3. Primary Epic
  4. The Technique of Primary Epic
  5. The Subject of Primary Epic
  6. Virgil and the Subject of Secondary Epic
  7. The Style of Secondary Epic
  8. Defence of This Style
  9. The Doctrine of the Unchanging Human Heart
  10. Milton and St. Augustine
  11. Hierarchy
  12. The Theology of Paradise Lost
  13. Satan
  14. Satan's Followers
  15. The Mistake About Milton's Angels
  16. Adam and Eve
  17. Unfallen Sexuality
  18. The Fall
  19. Conclusion



Present Concerns



  1. The Necessity of Chivalry
  2. Equality
  3. Three Kinds of Men
  4. My First School
  5. Is English Doomed?
  6. Democratic Education
  7. A Dream
  8. Blimpophobia
  9. Private Bates
  10. Hedonics
  11. After Priggery—What?
  12. Modern Man and His Categories of Thought
  13. Talking About Bicycles
  14. On Living in an Atomic Age
  15. The Empty Universe
  16. Prudery and Philology
  17. Interim Report
  18. Is History Bunk?
  19. Sex in Literature


Problem of Pain



  1. Introductory
  2. Divine Omnipotence
  3. Divine Goodness
  4. Human Wickedness
  5. The Fall of Man
  6. Human Pain
  7. Human Pain, CONTINUED
  8. Hell
  9. Animal Pain
  10. Heaven



Reflections on the Psalms


  1. Introductory
  2. 'Judgement' in the Psalms
  3. The Cursings
  4. Death in the Psalms
  5. 'The Fair Beauty of the Lord'
  6. 'Sweeter Than Honey'
  7. Connivance
  8. Nature
  9. A Word About Praising
  10. Second Meanings
  11. Scripture
  12. Second Meanings in the Psalms

Appendix I—Selected Psalms

Appendix II—Psalms Discussed or Mentioned


Selected Literary Essays


Preface by Walter Hooper

  1. De Descriptione Temporum
  2. The Alliterative Metre
  3. What Chaucer really did to Il Filostrato
  4. The Fifteenth-Century Heroic Line
  5. Hero and Leander
  6. Variation in Shakespeare and Others
  7. Hamlet: The Prince or The Poem?
  8. Donne and Love Poetry in the Seventeenth Century
  9. The Literary Impact of the Authorized Version
  10. The Vision of John Bunyan
  11. Addison
  12. Four-Letter Words
  13. A Note on Jane Austen
  14. Shelley, Dryden, and Mr Eliot
  15. Sir Walter Scott
  16. William Morris
  17. Kipling's World
  18. Bluspels and Flalansferes: A Semantic Nightmare
  19. High and Low Brows
  20. Metre
  21. Psycho-Analysis and Literary Criticism
  22. The Anthropological Approach



Spenser’s Images of Life



  1. The False Cupid
  2. Antitypes to the False Cupid
  3. Belphoebe, Amoret, and the Garden of Adonis
  4. The Image of Evil
  5. Mutability
  6. The Image of Good
  7. Britomart's Dream
  8. Faceless Knights
  9. The Misery of Florimell
  10. The Story of Arthur


     C. S. Lewis's manuscript, folio 1
     C. S. Lewis's manuscript, folio 35


Spirits in Bondage



Part One: The Prison House

  1. Satan Speaks
  2. French Nocturne (Monchy-le-Preux)
  3. The Satyr
  4. Victory
  5. Irish Nocturne
  6. Spooks
  7. Apology
  8. Ode for New Year's Day
  9. Night
  10. To Sleep
  11. In Prison
  12. De Profundis
  13. Satan Speaks
  14. The Witch
  15. Dungeon Grates
  16. The Philosopher
  17. The Ocean Strand
  18. Noon
  19. Milton Read Again (in Surrey)
  20. Sonnet
  21. The Autumn Morning

Part Two: Hesitation

  1. L'Apprenti Sorcier
  2. Alexandrines
  3. In Praise of Solid People

Part Three: The Escape

  1. Song of the Pilgrms
  2. Song
  3. The Ass
  4. Ballade Mystique
  5. Night
  6. Oxford
  7. Hymn (for Boys' Voices)
  8. 'Our Daily Bread'
  9. How He Saw Angus the God
  10. The Roads
  11. Hesperus
  12. The Star Bath
  13. Tu Ne Quaesieris
  14. Lullaby
  15. World's Desire
  16. Death in Battle


Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature


Preface, by Walter Hooper

  1. De Audiendis Poetis
  2. The Genesis of a Medieval Book
  3. Imagination and Thought in the Middle Ages
  4. Dante's Similes
  5. Imagery in the Last Eleven Cantos of Dante's Comedy
  6. Dante's Statius
  7. The Morte Darthur
  8. Tasso
  9. Edmund Spenser, 1552-99
  10. On Reading The Faerie Queene
  11. Neoplatonism in the Poetry of Spenser
  12. Spenser's Cruel Cupid
  13. Genius and Genius
  14. A Note on Comus

Additional Editorial Notes



Studies in Words



  2. NATURE (with Phusis, Kind, Physical etc.)
  3. SAD (with Gravis)
  4. WIT (with Ingenium)
  5. FREE (with  Eleutherios, Liberal, Frank etc.)
  6. SENSE (with Sentence, Sensibility and Sensible)
  9. WORLD
  10. LIFE
  11. I DARE SAY



Surprised by Joy



  1. The First Years
  2. Concentration Camp
  3. Mountbracken and Campbell
  4. I Broaden My Mind
  5. Renaissance
  6. Bloodery
  7. Light and Shade
  8. Release
  9. The Great Knock
  10. Fortune's Smile
  11. Check
  12. Guns and Good Company
  13. The New Look
  14. Checkmate
  15. The Beginning


Weight of Glory

Table of Contents:

Introduction by Walter Hooper
Preface to the Original Edition

  • The Weight of Glory
  • Learning in War-Time
  • Why I Am Not a Pacifist
  • Transposition
  • Is Theology Poetry?
  • The Inner Ring
  • Membership
  • On Forgiveness
  • A Slip of the Tongue


World’s Last Night


  1. The Efficacy of Prayer
  2. On Obstinacy in Belief
  3. Lillies That Fester
  4. Screwtape Proposes a Toast
  5. Good Work and Good Works
  6. Religion and Rocketry
  7. The World's Last Night