C. S. Lewis Tables of Contents
Tables of Contents for the Works of C.S. Lewis (excluding fiction)
*grayed out means the essay is included in the Lewis essay collection
Abolition of Man
- Men Without Chests
- The Way
- The Abolition of Man
Appendix—Illustrations of the Tao
All My Road Before Me
(diary from 1922-1927) - no content list
Allegory of Love
- Courtly Love
- Allegory
- The Romance of the Rose
- Chaucer
- Gower, Thomas Usk
- Allegory as the Dominant Form
- The Faerie Queene
Appendix I
Appendix II
Christian Reflections
Preface, by Walter Hooper
- Christianity and Literature
- Christianity and Culture
- Religion: Reality or Substitute?
- On Ethics
- De Futilitate
- The Poison of Subjectivism
- The Funeral of a Great Myth
- On Church Music
- Historicism
- The Psalms
- The Language of Religion
- Petitionary Prayer: A Problem without an Answer
- Modern Theology and Biblical Criticism
- The Seeing Eye
Dark Tower
- The Dark Tower
A Note on The Dark Tower
- The Man Born Blind
- The Shoddy Lands
- Ministering Angels
- Forms of Things Unknown
- After Ten Years
Notes on After Ten Years
Discarded Image
- The Medieval Situation
- Reservations
- Selected Materials: The Classical Period
- The Somnium Sciponis
- Lucan
- Statius. Claudian, and the Lady Natura
- Apuleius, De Deo Socratis
- Selected Materials: The Seminal Period
- Chalcidius
- Macrobius
- Pseudo-Dionysius
- Boethius
- The Heavens
- The Parts of the Universe
- Their Operations
- Their Inhabitants
- The Longaevi
- Earth and Her Inhabitants
- The Earth
- Beasts
- The Human Soul
- Rational
- Sensitive and Vegetable Soul
- Soul and Body
- The Human Body
- The Human Past
- The Seven Liberal Arts
- The Influence of the Model
English Literature in the 16th Century (OHEL)
Book I: Late Medieval
- The Close of the Middle Ages in Scotland
- The Close of the Middle Ages in England
Book II: 'Drab'
- Drab Age Prose: Religious Controversy and Translation
- Drab Age Verse
- Drab and Transitional Prose
Book III: 'Golden'
- Sidney and Spenser
- Prose in the 'Golden' Period
- Verse in the 'Golden' Period
Epilogue: New Tendencies
Chronological Table
Experiment in Criticism
- The Few and the Many
- False Characterisations
- How the Few and the Many use Pictures and Music
- The Reading of the Unliterary
- On Myth
- The Meaning of Fantasy
- On Realisms
- On Misreading by the Literary
- Survey
- Poetry
- The Experiment
Appendix: A Note on Oedipus
Four Loves
- Introduction
- Likings and Love for the Sub-Human
- Affection
- Friendship
- Eros
- Charity
God in the Dock
Preface by Walter Hooper
- Evil and God
- Miracles
- Dogma and the Universe
- Answers to Questions on Christianity
- Myth Became Fact
- 'Horrid Red Things'
- Religion and Science
- The Laws of Nature
- The Grand Miracle
- Christian Apologetics
- Work and Prayer
- Man or Rabbit?
- On the Transmission of Christianity
- 'Miserable Offenders'
- The Founding of the Oxford Socratic Club
- Religion without Dogma?
- Some Thoughts
- 'The Trouble with "X"...'
- What Are We to Make of Jesus Christ?
- The Pains of Animals
- Is Theism Important?
- Rejoinder to Dr Pittenger
- Must Our Image of God Go?
- Dangers of National Repentance
- Two Ways with the Self
- Meditation on the Third Commandment
- On the Reading of Old Books
- Two Lectures
- Meditation in a Toolshed
- Scraps
- The Decline of Religion
- Vivisection
- Modern Translations of the Bible
- Priestesses in the Church?
- God in the Dock
- Behind the Scenes
- Revival or Decay?
- Before We Can Communicate
- Cross-Examination
- 'Bulverism'
- First and Second Things
- The Sermon and the Lunch
- The Humanitarian Theory of Punishment
- Xmas and Christmas
- What Christmas Means to Me
- Delinquents in the Snow
- Is Progress Possible?
- We Have No 'Right to Happiness'
Grief Observed
(four chapters, untitled)
Image & Imagination
Preface by Walter Hooper
List of abbreviations
Part I: Reflections on Literature
- The idea of an 'English School'
- Our English syllabus
- Image and imagination
- Arundell Esdaile, The Sources of English Literature
- W. P. Ker, Form and Style in Poetry: Lectures and Notes, ed. R. W. Chambers
- Denis de Rougemont, Poetry and Society and Claude Chavasse, The Bride of Christ
- Oliver Elton (1861-1945): an obituary
- Howard Rollin Patch, The Other World, According to Descriptions in Medieval Literature
- Werner Schwarz, Principles and Problems of Biblical Translation
- Tragin ends: George Steiner, The Death of Tragedy
- Eros on the loose: David Loth, The Erotic in Literature
Part II: The Inklings: Barfield, Tolkien and Williams
- Who gaf me drink?: Owen Barfield, Romanticism Comes of Age
- G. A. L. Burgeon (= Owen Barfield), This Ever Diverse Pair
- A world for children: J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit: or There and Back Again
- Professor Tolkien's hobbit: J. R. R. Tolkien, The Hobbit: or There and Back Again
- The gods return to earth: J. R. R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring (being the First Part of The Lord of the Rings)
- The dethronement of power: J. R. R. Tolkien, The Two Towers (being the First Part of The Lord of the Rings) and The Return of the Ring (being the Third Part of The Lord of the Rings)
- Preface from Essays Presented to Charles Williams, ed. C. S. Lewis
- A sacred poem: Charles Williams, Taliesen Through Logres
- Charles Williams, Taliesen Through Logres
- Charles Walter Stansby Williams (1886-1945): an obituary
Part III: Reflections on Christianity and literature
- A Lectionary of Christian Prose from the Second Century to the Twentieth Century, ed. A. C. Bouquet
- The Oxford Book of Christian Verse, ed. Lord David Cecil
- Dorothy Sayers, The Mind of the Maker
- Selected sermons: A Selection from the Occasional Sermons of Ronald Arbuthnott Knox, ed. Evelyn Waugh
- Foreword to Joy Davidman, Smoke on the Mountain: An Interpretation of the Ten Commandments
- Preface to Austin Farrer, A Faith of Our Own
Part IV: Classical literature
- Odysseus sails again: The Odyssey, trans. Robert Fitzgerald
- Ajax and others: John Jones, On Aristotle and Greek Tragedy
- Lucretius
- T. R. Henn, Longinus and English Criticism
- Helen M. Barrett, Boethius: Some Aspects of his Times and Work
Part V: Medieval and Renaissance literature
- Ruth Mohl, The Three Estates in Medieval and Renaissance Literature
- J. W. H. Atkins, English Literary Criticism: The Medieval Phase
- Arthuriana: Arthurian Literature in the Middle Ages: A Collaborative Study, ed. R. S. Loomis
- Introduction from Selections from La?amon's Brut, ed. G. L. Brook
- Andreas Capellanus, The Art of Courtly Love, with introduction, translation, and notes by John Jay Perry
- Rhyme and reason: Dorothy L. Sayers, The Poetry of Search and the Poetry of Statement
- Alan M. F. Gunn, The Mirror of Love: A Reinterpretation of The Romance of the Rose
- The English prose Morte
- Leone Ebreo, The Philosophy of Love (Dialoghi d'Amore), trans. J. Friedeberg-Seeley and Jean H. Barnes, and intro. Cecil Roth
- E. K. Chambers, Sir Thomas Wyatt and Some Collected Studies
- M. Pauline Parker, The Allegory of the Faerie Queene
- John Vyvyan, Shakespeare and the Rose of Love
Part VI: Milton and later English literature
- Logan Pearsall Smith, Milton and his Modern Critics
- Douglas Bush, Paradise Lost in Our Time: Some Comments
- H. W. Garrod, Collins
- Hugh Kingsmill, Mathew Arnold
- Evelyn Waugh, Rossetti: His Life and Works
- Boswell's bugbear: Sir John Hawkins, The Life of Samuel Johnson, ed. Bertram Hylton Davis
- Poetry and exegesis: Harold Bloom, The Visionary Company: A Reading of English Romantic Poetry
- The Sagas and modern life—Morris, Mr Yeats, and the originals: Dorothy M. Hoare, The Works of Morris and of Yeats in Relation to Early Saga Literature
- Haggard rides again: Morton Cohen, Rider Haggard: His Life and Works
Mere Christianity
Book 1: Right and Wrong as a Clue to the Meaning of the Universe
- The Law of Human Nature
- Some Objections
- The Reality of the Law
- What Lies Behind the Law
- We Have Cause to Be Uneasy
Book 2: What Christians Believe
- The Rival Conceptions of God
- The Invasion
- The Shocking Alternative
- The Perfect Penitent
- The Practical Conclusion
Book 3: Christian Behaviour
- The Three Parts of Morality
- The 'Cardinal Virtues'
- Social Morality
- Morality and Psychoanalysis
- Sexual Morality
- Christian Marriage
- Forgiveness
- The Great Sin
- Charity
- Hope
- Faith
- Faith
Book 4: Beyond Personality: or First Steps in the Doctrine of the Trinity
- Making and Begetting
- The Three-Personal God
- Time and Beyond Time
- Good Infection
- The Obstinate Toy Soldiers
- Two Notes
- Let's Pretend
- Is Christianity Hard or Easy?
- Counting the Cost
- Nice People or New Men
- The New Men
- The Scope of this Book
- The Naturalist and the Supernaturalist
- The Cardinal Difficulty of Naturalism
- Answers to Misgivings
- A Chapter of Red Herrings
- Miracles and the Laws of Nature
- A Chapter Not Strictly Necessary
- 'Horrid Red Things'
- Christianity and 'Religion'
- The Propriety off Miracles
- On Probability
- The Grand Miracle
- Miracles of the Old Creation
- Miracles of the New Creation
- Epilogue
Appendix A: On the Words 'Spirit' and 'Spiritual'
Appendix B: On 'Special Providences'
Narrative Poems
- Dymer
- Launcelot
- The Nameless Isle
- The Queen of Drum
On Stories
- On Stories
- The Novels of Charles Williams
- A Tribute to E. R. Eddison
- On Three Ways of Writing for Children
- Sometimes Fairy Stories May Say Best What's to Be Said
- On Juvenile Tastes
- It All Began with a Picture
- On Science Fiction
- A Reply to Professor Haldane
- The Hobbit
- Tolkien's The Lord of the Rings
- A Panegyric for Dorothy L. Sayers
- The Mythopoeic Gift of Rider Haggard
- George Orwell
- The Death of Words
- The Parthenon and the Optative
- Period Criticism
- Different Tastes in Literature
- On Criticism
- Unreal Estates
Personal Heresy
A debate between Lewis & EMW Tillyard (no title headings)
- C. S. Lewis
- E. M. W. Tillyard
- C. S. Lewis
- E. M. W. Tillyard
- C. S. Lewis
- E. M. W. Tillyard
Pilgrim’s Regress
- The Rules
- The Island
- The Eastern Mountains
- Leah for Rachel
- Ichabod
- Quem Quaeritis in Sepulchro? Non Est Hic
- Dixit Insipiens
- The Hill
- A Little Southward
- Soft Going
- Leah For Rachel
- Ichabod
- Non Est Hic
- Great Promises
- Eschropolis
- A South Wind
- Freedom of Thought
- The Man Behind the Gun
- Under Arrest
- Poisoning the Wells
- Facing the Facts
- Parrot Disease
- The Giant Slayer
- Let Grill Be Grill
- Archtype and Ectype
- Esse Is Percipi
- Escape
- The Grand Canyon
- Mother Kirk’s Story
- The Self-Sufficiency of Virtue
- Mr. Sensible
- Table Talk
- Drudge
- The Gaucherie of Virtue
- First Steps to the North
- Three Pale Men
- Neo-Angular
- Humanist
- Food from the North
- Furthest North
- Fools’ Paradise
- Virtue is Sick
- John Leading
- The Main Road Again
- Going South
- Tea on the Lawn
- The House of Wisdom
- Across the Canyon by Moonlight
- This Side By Sunlight
- Wisdom – Exoteric
- Wisdom – Esoteric
- Mum’s the Word
- More Wisdom
Book Eight AT BAY
- Two Kinds of Monist
- John Led
- John Forgets Himself
- John Finds His Voice
- Food At a Cost
- Caught
- The Hermit
- History’s Words
- Matter of Fact
- Archtype and Ectype
- Across the Canyon by the Inner Light
- This Side By Lightning
- This Side by the Darkness
- Securus Te Projice
- Across the Canyon
- Nella Sua Voluntade
- The Same Yet Different
- The Synthetic Man
- Limbo
- The Black Hole
- Superbia
- Ignorantia
- Luxuria
- The Northern Dragon
- The Southern Dragon
- The Brook
Afterword to the Third Edition
Part I: The Hidden Country
- A Confession
- Impenitence
- A Cliche Came Out of Its Cage
- Pan's Purge
- Narnian Suite
- The Magician and the Dryad
- The True Nature of Gnomes
- The Birth of Language
- The Planets
- Pindar Sang
- Hemione in the House of Paulina
- Young King Cole
- The Prodigality of Firdausi
- Le Roi S'Amuse
- Vitrea Circe
- The Landing
- The Day with a White Mark
- Donkey's Delight
- The Small Man Orders His Wedding
- The Country of the Blind
- On Being Human
- The Ecstasy
- The Saboteuse
- The Last of the Winee
- As One Oldster to Another
- Ballade of Dead Gentlemen
- The Adam Unparadised
- The Adam at Night
- Solomon
- The Late Passenger
- The Turn of the Tide
Part II: The Backward Glance
- Evolutionary Hymn
- Prelude to Space: An Epithalamium
- Science-Fiction Cradlesong
- An Expostulation: Against Too Many Writers of Science Fiction
- Odora Can Vis: A Defence of Certain Modern Biographers and Critics
- On a Vulgar Error
- The Future of Forestry
- Lines During a General Election
- The Condemned
- The Genuine Article
- On the Atomic Bomb: Metrical Experiment
- To the Author of Flowering Rifle
- To Roy Campbell
- Coronation March
- 'Man is a Lumpe Where All Beasts Kneaded Be'
- On a Picture by Chirico
- On a Theme from Nicolas of Cusa
- What the Bird Said Early in the Year
- The Salamander
- Infatuation
- Vowels and Sirens
- The Prudent Jailer
- Aubade
- Pattern
- After Aristotle
- Reason
- To Andrew Marvell
- Lines Written in a Copy of Milton's Works
- Scholar's Melancholy
Part III: A Larger World
- Wormwood
- Virtue's Independence
- Posturing
- Deception
- Deadly Sins
- The Dragon Speaks
- Dragon-Slayer
- Lilith
- A Pageant Played in Vain
- When the Curtain's Down
- Divine Justice
- Eden's Courtesy
- The Meteorite
- Two Kinds of Memory
- Re-Adjustment
- Nearly They Stood
- Relapse
- Late Summer
- To a Friend
- To Charles Williams
- After Vain Pretense
- Angel's Song
- Joys That Sting
- Old Poets Remembered
- As the Ruin Falls
Part IV: Further Up and Further In
- Poem for Psychoanalysts and/or Theologians
- Noon's Intensity
- Sweet Desire
- Caught
- Forbidden Pleasure
- The Naked Seed
- Scazons
- Legion
- Pilgrim's Problem
- Sonnet
- The Phoenix
- The Nativity
- Prayer
- Love's as Warm as Tears
- No Beauty We Could Desire
- Stephen to Lazarus
- Five Sonnets
- Evensong
- The Apologist's Evening Prayer
- Footnote to All Prayers
- After Prayers, Lie Cold
Part V: A Farewell to Shadowlands
Preface to Paradise Lost
- Epic Poetry
- Is Criticism Possible?
- Primary Epic
- The Technique of Primary Epic
- The Subject of Primary Epic
- Virgil and the Subject of Secondary Epic
- The Style of Secondary Epic
- Defence of This Style
- The Doctrine of the Unchanging Human Heart
- Milton and St. Augustine
- Hierarchy
- The Theology of Paradise Lost
- Satan
- Satan's Followers
- The Mistake About Milton's Angels
- Adam and Eve
- Unfallen Sexuality
- The Fall
- Conclusion
Present Concerns
- The Necessity of Chivalry
- Equality
- Three Kinds of Men
- My First School
- Is English Doomed?
- Democratic Education
- A Dream
- Blimpophobia
- Private Bates
- Hedonics
- After Priggery—What?
- Modern Man and His Categories of Thought
- Talking About Bicycles
- On Living in an Atomic Age
- The Empty Universe
- Prudery and Philology
- Interim Report
- Is History Bunk?
- Sex in Literature
Problem of Pain
- Introductory
- Divine Omnipotence
- Divine Goodness
- Human Wickedness
- The Fall of Man
- Human Pain
- Human Pain, CONTINUED
- Hell
- Animal Pain
- Heaven
Reflections on the Psalms
- Introductory
- 'Judgement' in the Psalms
- The Cursings
- Death in the Psalms
- 'The Fair Beauty of the Lord'
- 'Sweeter Than Honey'
- Connivance
- Nature
- A Word About Praising
- Second Meanings
- Scripture
- Second Meanings in the Psalms
Appendix I—Selected Psalms
Appendix II—Psalms Discussed or Mentioned
Selected Literary Essays
Preface by Walter Hooper
- De Descriptione Temporum
- The Alliterative Metre
- What Chaucer really did to Il Filostrato
- The Fifteenth-Century Heroic Line
- Hero and Leander
- Variation in Shakespeare and Others
- Hamlet: The Prince or The Poem?
- Donne and Love Poetry in the Seventeenth Century
- The Literary Impact of the Authorized Version
- The Vision of John Bunyan
- Addison
- Four-Letter Words
- A Note on Jane Austen
- Shelley, Dryden, and Mr Eliot
- Sir Walter Scott
- William Morris
- Kipling's World
- Bluspels and Flalansferes: A Semantic Nightmare
- High and Low Brows
- Metre
- Psycho-Analysis and Literary Criticism
- The Anthropological Approach
Spenser’s Images of Life
- The False Cupid
- Antitypes to the False Cupid
- Belphoebe, Amoret, and the Garden of Adonis
- The Image of Evil
- Mutability
- The Image of Good
- Britomart's Dream
- Faceless Knights
- The Misery of Florimell
- The Story of Arthur
C. S. Lewis's manuscript, folio 1
C. S. Lewis's manuscript, folio 35
Spirits in Bondage
Part One: The Prison House
- Satan Speaks
- French Nocturne (Monchy-le-Preux)
- The Satyr
- Victory
- Irish Nocturne
- Spooks
- Apology
- Ode for New Year's Day
- Night
- To Sleep
- In Prison
- De Profundis
- Satan Speaks
- The Witch
- Dungeon Grates
- The Philosopher
- The Ocean Strand
- Noon
- Milton Read Again (in Surrey)
- Sonnet
- The Autumn Morning
Part Two: Hesitation
- L'Apprenti Sorcier
- Alexandrines
- In Praise of Solid People
Part Three: The Escape
- Song of the Pilgrms
- Song
- The Ass
- Ballade Mystique
- Night
- Oxford
- Hymn (for Boys' Voices)
- 'Our Daily Bread'
- How He Saw Angus the God
- The Roads
- Hesperus
- The Star Bath
- Tu Ne Quaesieris
- Lullaby
- World's Desire
- Death in Battle
Studies in Medieval and Renaissance Literature
Preface, by Walter Hooper
- De Audiendis Poetis
- The Genesis of a Medieval Book
- Imagination and Thought in the Middle Ages
- Dante's Similes
- Imagery in the Last Eleven Cantos of Dante's Comedy
- Dante's Statius
- The Morte Darthur
- Tasso
- Edmund Spenser, 1552-99
- On Reading The Faerie Queene
- Neoplatonism in the Poetry of Spenser
- Spenser's Cruel Cupid
- Genius and Genius
- A Note on Comus
Additional Editorial Notes
Studies in Words
- NATURE (with Phusis, Kind, Physical etc.)
- SAD (with Gravis)
- WIT (with Ingenium)
- FREE (with Eleutherios, Liberal, Frank etc.)
- SENSE (with Sentence, Sensibility and Sensible)
Surprised by Joy
- The First Years
- Concentration Camp
- Mountbracken and Campbell
- I Broaden My Mind
- Renaissance
- Bloodery
- Light and Shade
- Release
- The Great Knock
- Fortune's Smile
- Check
- Guns and Good Company
- The New Look
- Checkmate
- The Beginning
Weight of Glory
Table of Contents:
Introduction by Walter Hooper
Preface to the Original Edition
- The Weight of Glory
- Learning in War-Time
- Why I Am Not a Pacifist
- Transposition
- Is Theology Poetry?
- The Inner Ring
- Membership
- On Forgiveness
- A Slip of the Tongue
World’s Last Night
- The Efficacy of Prayer
- On Obstinacy in Belief
- Lillies That Fester
- Screwtape Proposes a Toast
- Good Work and Good Works
- Religion and Rocketry
- The World's Last Night