Courageous Journey

Courageous Journey

The Story of a Family's Will to Survive

by Patricia Mary St. John
Publisher: Moody Press
131 pages
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Her parents were taken from their village and forced into one of the dreaded resettlement camps. She was left alone, in the midst of famine and drought, to fend for herself and her four-year-old brother. It was a lot to ask of a fourteen-year-old girl, but Mehrit wasn't about to give up.

She gathered her brother and what little food they had and made the dangerous trek to her grandparents' home, only to find famine and drought had been killing their village too.

Knowing many would die on the way, Mehrit, her brother, and the whole village began a treacherous journey to find a rest camp and the promise of food and water.

Meanwhile, though Mehrit was unaware, her parents were planning the most important and dangerous journey of their lives—to find their children. Neither Mehrit nor her parents were certain of the other's fate or if they would survive the dangerous journeys. But they were sure of one thing—they had to try. And along the way they would learn to appreciate the peace and hope that a Father brings.

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