Contemporary Issues

Controversy often seems incompatible with love. Tame discussions are thought to go hand in hand with kindness. But a simple review of the greatest saints from the Bible and from Church history shows how groundless such a view is. There are times in which a stern word is the most loving, kind, and gracious thing that can be offered. Granted, it is not always that time, for often gentle words or even no words at all are appropriate. But today is a day of controversies. It is time to speak and to do so boldly. If we love our neighbors as ourselves we must not remain silent.

In most cases, controversies get to be controversies because they treat something important. Few mature people will enter into a controversy over the flavor of toothpaste they deem best. One hears of churches splitting over the color of the new carpet to be purchased, but we hope that such is the rare exception. There are, however, issues and questions that are not insignificant. Matters of life and death confront us daily. In general, the more important a subject is the more likely folks are to get worked up when it is discussed. Controversy is not always evil. It is frequently an indication that we are getting to something important.

In the topics discussed below you will find much to “get worked up” over. It is not our intention to produce controversy for controversy’s sake, but rather to press for the important things. Nothing is more essential in our day than that Christian people recover their collective prophetic voice. It is shameful, in the face of the tragic and evil deeds being done in our land, for godly men and women to remain silent. We must lift up our voices. We must point out that the emperor really has no clothes. We must show our neighbors that the paths they are on will end in their eternal horror. We are ambassadors of King Jesus. He has sent us to announce His Gospel and the terms and standards of His Kingdom. How can we not speak?

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248 Items found Print
Aborted Women: Silent No More
by David C. Reardon
from Crossway Books
for Adult
in Abortion (Location: XCL-ABO)
$4.80 (1 in stock)
by R. C. Sproul
20th Anniversary Edition from Reformation Trust Publishing
in Abortion (Location: XCL-ABO)
Across America on an Emigrant Train RUC
by Jim Murphy
from Sandpiper Books
for 5th-8th grade
1994 NCTE Orbis Pictus Award
in Immigration & Emigration (Location: HISA-20IM)
Adèle & Simon in America
by Barbara McClintock
1st edition from Farrar, Straus and Giroux
for Kindergarten-3rd grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Agenda Documentary (DVD)
by Curtis Bowers
from Black Hat Films
for 9th-Adult
America in the Time of Lewis and Clark
by Sally Senzel Isaacs
from Heinemann-Raintree
for 2nd-5th grade
in 19th Century America (Location: HISA-19C)
$6.00 (1 in stock)
America: From Gridlock to Deadlock
A Basic History of the United States Volume 6
by Clarence B. Carson
from American Textbook Committee
American History Reference for 9th-Adult
in Basic History of the United States (Location: HISCUR-BHUS)
American Passage
by Vincent J. Cannato
from Harper Perennial
for Adult
in History for Adults (Location: ADU-HIS)
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Atlas of the Islamic World
by Francis Robinson
from Facts On File
for 9th-Adult
in Historical & Cultural Atlases (Location: HISRF-ATLAS)
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Beckoning Hills
Land of the Free Series
by Joseph H. Gage, illustrated by Floyd Torbert
1st edition from John C. Winston
Historical fiction for 6th-10th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Blood of the Moon
by George Grant
from Wolgemuth and Hyatt
for 9th-Adult
in Islam & Sharia Law (Location: XAP-ISL)
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Land of the Free Series
by Elsie Reif Ziegler, illustrated by Jacob Landau
1st edition from John C. Winston
Historical fiction for 6th-10th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Land of the Free Series
by Elsie Reif Ziegler, illustrated by Jacob Landau
from John C. Winston
Historical fiction for 6th-10th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Bobby’s Friends
by Phia van den Berg
from Inheritance Publications
for 4th-7th grade
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
Bound for America
Great Journeys
by Milton Meltzer
from Benchmark Books
for 5th-8th grade
in Immigration & Emigration (Location: HISA-20IM)
$4.50 (1 in stock)
Bracelet, The
by Yoshika Uchida
from PaperStar Books
for Preschool-3rd grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
Bringing in the Sheaves
by George Grant
2nd edition from American Vision Press
in Christianity and the State (Location: XWV-STA)
$5.60 (1 in stock)
Built to Last
by David Macaulay
from Houghton Mifflin
for 4th-6th grade
in Oversized History Books (Location: HISW-OVER)
Butter in the Well: Historical Diary 1868-1888
by Linda K. Hubalek
from Butterfield Books
for 8th-Adult
in Historical Fiction (Location: FIC-HIF)
$6.00 (1 in stock)
Case for Life
by Scott Klusendorf
from Crossway Books
for 11th-Adult
in Abortion (Location: XCL-ABO)
Cause Unknown
by Edward Dowd, foreword by Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Afterword by Gavin de Becker
from Skyhorse Publishing
for Adult
Chariot in the Sky
Land of the Free Series
by Arna Bontemps, illustrated by Cyrus Le Roy Baldridge
1st edition from John C. Winston
Historical fiction for 6th-10th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Child Abuse in the Classroom
by Phyllis Schlafly
1st edition
for Adult
in Secular vs. Christian Education (Location: HSR-PE)
Climb a Lofty Ladder
by Marion & Walter Havighurst, illustrated by Jill Elgin
1st edition from John C. Winston
Historical fiction for 6th-10th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Closing of the American Heart
by Ronald H. Nash
from Probe Books
for Adult
in Clearance: Home School Resources (Location: ZCLE-HSR)
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Closing of the American Mind
by Allan Bloom
from Simon and Schuster
for Adult
in Secular vs. Christian Education (Location: HSR-PE)
Coal Miner's Bride
Dear America
by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
from Scholastic Inc.
Fictional historical journal for 3rd-6th grade
in Dear America Books (Location: SER-DEAR)
Colt of Destiny
Land of the Free Series
by Alida Sims Malkus, illustrated by Manning de V. Lee
1st edition from John C. Winston
Historical fiction for 6th-10th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Coming to America
Perspectives on History Series
by Katharine Emsden
from History Compass
Non-fiction for 6th-9th grade
in Immigration & Emigration (Location: HISA-20IM)
Coming to America
by Betsy Maestro
from Scholastic Inc.
for Preschool- 3rd Grade
in Immigration & Emigration (Location: HISA-20IM)
Communist Manifesto
Penguin Classics
by Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels
from Penguin Classics
Political Philosophy for 10th-Adult
in 19th Century Literature (Location: LIT6-19)
Compact Guide to World Religions
by Dean C. Halverson
from Bethany House
for 9th-Adult
in World Religions, Cults and Sects (Location: XAP-WRCS)
$16.00 $9.50 (1 in stock)
by Yin, illustrated by Chris Soentpiet
from Puffin Books
for 5th-8th grade
in History of Railroads (Location: HISA-19TRR)
Copper Lady
On My Own History
by Alice Ross, Kent Ross
from First Avenue Editions
for 2nd-5th grade
in Immigration & Emigration (Location: HISA-20IM)
Crescent Through the Eyes of the Cross
by Dr. Nabeel T. Jabbour
from NavPress
for Adult
in Islam & Sharia Law (Location: XAP-ISL)
$5.00 (1 in stock)
Darwin and the Beagle
by Alan Moorehead
1st edition from Margaret Hamilton Books
for 9th-Adult
in 20th & 21st Century Literature (Location: LIT7-20)
Darwin's Black Box
by Michael J. Behe
10th edition from Free Press
for 11th-Adult
in Faith & Science (Location: XAP-SCI)
Deep Treasure
by Charles Blackford, illustrated by Alexander Key
1st edition from John C. Winston
Historical fiction for 6th-10th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Defeating Darwinism by Opening Minds
by Phillip E. Johnson
from InterVarsity Press
for 11th-Adult
in Faith & Science (Location: XAP-SCI)
Desert Harvest
Land of the Free Series
by Vanya Oakes, illustrated by Isami Kashiwagi
1st edition from John C. Winston
Historical fiction for 6th-10th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Designer Universe
by Jimmy H. Davis, Harry L. Poe
from Broadman & Holman
for 11th-Adult
in Clearance: Christian Books (Location: XCLE)
$3.00 (1 in stock)
Devoured by Cannabis
by Douglas Wilson
from Canon Press
in Practical Christian Living (Location: XCL-PRAC)
Did I Kiss Marriage Goodbye?
by Carolyn McCulley
from Crossway Books
for Adult
in Biblical Womanhood (Location: XFA-WOM)
$6.30 (1 in stock)
Discipling the Nations
by Dennis Woods
from ClassicalFree Virtual Academy
for 11th-Adult
in Christianity and the State (Location: XWV-STA)
Domestic Abuse
Resources for Changing Lives
by David Powlison, Paul Tripp & Edward Welch
from P&R Publishing
in CCEF Counseling booklets (Location: XCL-CCEF)
Door to the North
Land of the Free Series
by Elizabeth Coatsworth, illustrated by Frederick T. Chapman
1st edition from John C. Winston
Historical fiction for 6th-10th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Dreams in the Golden Country
Dear America
by Kathryn Lasky
from Scholastic Inc.
for 4th-6th grade
in Dear America Books (Location: SER-DEAR)
Dumbing Us Down
by John Taylor Gatto, foreword by Zachary Slayback
25th Anniversary from New Society
for 11th-Adult
in Secular vs. Christian Education (Location: HSR-PE)
Early Islam
Great Ages of Man
by Desmond Stewart
from Time-Life Books
for 9th-Adult
in Great Ages of Man (Location: ADU-HISGAM)
Ellis Island
Cornerstones of Freedom
by Melissa McDaniel
from Scholastic Inc.
for 4th-6th Grade
in Cornerstones of Freedom (Location: VIN-CORN)
Ellis Island
You Choose Books
by Michael Burgan
from Capstone Press
for 3rd-6th grade
in Historical Fiction (Location: FIC-HIF)
$3.50 (1 in stock)
Emotionally Destructive Marriage
by Leslie Vernick
from WaterBrook Press
for Adult
in Christian Counseling (Location: XCL-COU)
Enchanted Schoolhouse
by Ruth Sawyer, illustrated by Hugh Troy
from Viking Press
for 3rd-6th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Encountering the World of Islam
by Keith E. Swartley, ed.
from Authentic Media
for Adult
in Clearance: Christian Books (Location: XCLE)
$8.00 (1 in stock)
Erasing Hell
by Francis Chan, Preston Sprinkle
from David C. Cook
for Adult
in Heaven & Hell (Location: XTH-HEHE)
$12.50 $7.50 (1 in stock)
Evangelical Ethics
by John Jefferson Davis
3rd edition from P&R Publishing
for 11th-Adult
in Ethics (Location: XCL-ETH)
$9.50 $6.00 (1 in stock)
Everything Sad Is Untrue
by Daniel Nayeri
from Levine Querido
for 11th-Adult
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
Evolution 2.0
by Perry Marshall
First Trade Paper Edition
in Faith & Science (Location: XAP-SCI)
Evolution: The Grand Experiment
by Dr. Carl Werner
from New Leaf Press
for 9th-Adult
in Evolution: The Grand Experiment (Location: SCICUR-EVO)
Evolution: The Grand Experiment - Presentation CD
by Dr. Carl Werner
from New Leaf Press
for 9th-Adult
in Evolution: The Grand Experiment (Location: SCICUR-EVO)
Evolution: The Grand Experiment - Set
by Carl & Debbie Werner
from New Leaf Press
for 9th-Adult
in Faith & Science (Location: XAP-SCI)
Evolution: The Grand Experiment - Teacher's Manual
by Dr. Carl Werner
from New Leaf Press
for 9th-Adult
in Evolution: The Grand Experiment (Location: SCICUR-EVO)
$16.99 $11.00 (1 in stock)
Excused Absence
by Doug Wilson
from Crux Press
for 11th-Adult
in Secular vs. Christian Education (Location: HSR-PE)
$7.50 (2 in stock)
Excused Absence
by Doug Wilson
2nd edition from Canon Press
for 11th-Adult
in Secular vs. Christian Education (Location: HSR-PE)
Fed Ed
by Allen Quist
from Maple River Education Coalition
for Adult
in Clearance: Home School Resources (Location: ZCLE-HSR)
$3.00 (2 in stock)
Fight for Jerusalem
by Dore Gold
from Regnery Publishing, Inc.
for Adult
in History for Adults (Location: ADU-HIS)
$4.00 (1 in stock)
Fighting Words
by Kimberly Brubaker Bradley
from Dial Press
for 9th-Adult
2021 Newbery Honor Book
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
Finding the Titanic
by Robert D. Ballard
from Scholastic Inc.
for 2nd-3rd grade
in Scholastic / Hello Reader! (Location: EAR-SCH)
$3.99 $2.00 (1 in stock)
First Farm in the Valley
by Anne Pellowski
from Bethlehem Books
for 3rd-6th grade
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
Footprints of the Dragon
Land of the Free Series
by Vanya Oakes, illustrated by Tyrus Wong
1st edition from John C. Winston
Historical fiction for 6th-10th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
Forgotten Ellis Island
by Lorie Conway
from Collins
for 9th-Adult
in Immigration & Emigration (Location: HISA-20IM)
$24.00 (2 in stock)
Future of Home Schooling
by Michael Farris
from Regnery Publishing, Inc.
for Adult
in Practical Home Schooling (Location: HSR-PRAC)
$2.00 (1 in stock)
Genesis of Gender
by Abigail Favale
from Ignatius Press
for 11th-Adult
in Gender Issues (Location: XCL-GEN)
by Jessica Shaver Renshaw
from Tyndale House
in Abortion (Location: XCL-ABO)
Glory of Heaven
by John MacArthur
2nd edition from Crossway Books
for Adult
in Heaven & Hell (Location: XTH-HEHE)
Gnostic Empire Strikes Back
by Peter Jones
from P&R Publishing
for Adult
in Presuppositional Apologetics (Location: XAP-PRE)
God Versus Socialism
by Joel McDurmon
from American Vision Press
in Christianity and the State (Location: XWV-STA)
$6.30 (1 in stock)
Government Nannies
by Cathy Duffy
from Noble Publishing
in Secular vs. Christian Education (Location: HSR-PE)
$8.00 $4.00 (1 in stock)
Great Wheel
by Robert Lawson
from Walker and Company
Realistic fiction for 4th-8th grade
1958 Newbery Honor Book
in Historical Fiction (Location: FIC-HIF)
$9.99 $6.00 (2 in stock)
Growing Up in Coal Country
by Susan Campbell Bartoletti
from Houghton Mifflin
for 6th-9th grade
in Industrialization & Organized Labor (Location: HISA-19IND)
Growth of America
A Basic History of the United States Volume 4
by Clarence B. Carson
from American Textbook Committee
American History Reference for 9th-Adult
in Basic History of the United States (Location: HISCUR-BHUS)
Harsh Truth about Public Schools
by Bruce N. Short
from Chalcedon / Ross House Books
for Adult
in Secular vs. Christian Education (Location: HSR-PE)
Healing After Abortion
by David Powlison
from New Growth Press
in CCEF Counseling booklets (Location: XCL-CCEF)
by Randy Alcorn
1st edition from Tyndale House
for Adult
in Clearance: Christian Books (Location: XCLE)
$5.00 (2 in stock)
Heaven and Hell
by Edward A. Donnelly
from Banner of Truth Trust
for Adult
in Heaven & Hell (Location: XTH-HEHE)
Heaven for Kids
by Randy Alcorn with Linda Washington
from Tyndale House
for 2nd-7th grade
in Bible Doctrine for Kids (Location: BIBR-DOC)
$4.00 (2 in stock)
Heaven is for Real
by Todd Burpo with Lynn Vincent
from Thomas Nelson Publishers
for Adult
in Heaven & Hell (Location: XTH-HEHE)
Hell on Trial
by Robert A. Peterson
from P&R Publishing
for 10th-Adult
in Heaven & Hell (Location: XTH-HEHE)
Home Schooling: The Right Choice!
by Christopher Klicka
Revised and Updated from Broadman & Holman
in Practical Home Schooling (Location: HSR-PRAC)
$14.99 $10.00 (3 in stock)
Homosexual Debate and the Church
by David Longacre, ed.
from New Growth Press
for Adult
in Sexual Sin (Location: XCL-SEX)
House on Walenska Street
by Charlotte Herman
from Puffin Books
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
$2.50 (1 in stock)
House on Walenska Street
by Charlotte Herman
from Avyx, Inc.
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
$2.50 (1 in stock)
How I Became an American
by Karin Gundisch
from Cricket Books
for 3rd-6th grade
in Realistic Fiction (Location: FIC-REA)
$8.00 (1 in stock)
How Many Days to America?
by Eve Bunting
for 1st-4th grade
in Picture Books (Location: PICTURE)
$3.00 (1 in stock)
How They Built the Statue of Liberty
by Mary J. Shapiro
from Random House
for 1st-4th grade
in Immigration & Emigration (Location: HISA-20IM)
How They Built the Statue of Liberty
by Mary J. Shapiro, illustrated by Huck Scarry
from Random House
for 1st-4th grade
in Oversized History Books (Location: HISW-OVER)
$4.00 (1 in stock)
I Dared to Call Him Father
by Bilquis Sheikh & Richard H. Schneider
25th Anniversary from Chosen Books
Biography for Adult
in Biographies (Location: BIO)
$15.99 $8.00 (2 in stock)
I Heard of a River
Land of the Free Series
by Elsie Singmaster, illustrated by Henry C. Pitz
1st edition from John C. Winston
Historical fiction for 6th-10th grade
in Vintage Fiction & Literature (Location: VIN-FIC)
If Your Name Was Changed at Ellis Island
If You Were There
by Ellen Levine & Wayne Parmenter
from Scholastic Inc.
Historical Non-Fiction for 2nd-5th grade
in Immigration & Emigration (Location: HISA-20IM)
$6.99 $4.00 (1 in stock)
Immigrant Kids
by Russell Freedman
from Puffin Books
Non-fiction for 3rd-6th grade
in Immigration & Emigration (Location: HISA-20IM)
$8.99 $5.50 (1 in stock)