In the past it has been generally accepted that any ship or craft that could sail fast deserved the title of 'clipper' and scant regard was given to the shape of her hull or the means by which she achieved her speed. Most ships built during the 1850's and 1860's were thought to be clippers, and it was anathema to suggest that any ship venturing out to China, Australia or the Californian gold fields was anything else. But it is time that such romantic nonsense was terminated once and for all, and so before describing the clippers themselves it would be a good idea if the terms for such descriptions were themselves fully explored and also if the clipper characteristics were analysed and the various types of vessels classified.
A clipper was designed for a particular trade and to carry a specialized cargo, often accompanied by passengers, but always with the aim of achieving maximum speed. The cargo was frequently perishable or valuable and the ships which carried it could command high rates of freight.
The author David MacGregor who also wrote SQUARE RIGGED SAILING SHIPS goes on to describe the characteristics necessary to qualify a vessel as a 'clipper' and trace the development of many of these fine ships.
The book is profusely illustrated with drawings and plans.
– From the dust jacket
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